Example sentences of "are [not/n't] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
2 ‘ You are not at all satisfied , ’ Susan said softly into the President 's ear .
3 Time always mellows my impressions , if they are not at all strong . ’
4 ‘ You know , my dear , the gospels are not at all clear on that point .
5 Some individuals are not at all photogenic and really do look much better in real life than in pictures .
6 These are not at all original or exotic but are based on the ordinary things that most people tend to eat .
7 In other ways , too , the evidence of coins needs to be used with sensitivity , since the depictions on coins are not at all like modern photographs .
8 He said , ‘ You have made the music very clear , the fp here , the accent there ; but these are not at all important .
9 In certain areas , particularly on islands and in places where there are species which are not at all adapted to cope with cats as predators ( and that includes the whole of Australia ) , there have been dramatic adverse effects on populations of a variety of species of small animals because cats are allowed to roam around .
10 Likewise , pluralist and class-based politics are not at all unknown in national states .
11 But many of the layers of sediment are not at all uniform and may be relatively thin in places .
12 But in an important respect , ( the one this article is about ) , helices are not at all classical .
13 And in any case , those raw materials — coal and oil — are not at all similar in their own origins .
14 I hope this letter shows Rotties are not at all vicious but need a little bit of love and care .
15 ‘ Since then , our players have said they are not at all worried . ’
16 The signs are not at all difficult to pick up .
17 I know now that owls are not at all like living cuddly toys , but at the time I wanted to reach out and cuddle them .
18 From my own experience , service breaks of 15–20 years are not at all unusual , although older candidates do tend to underestimate the value of their past experience , apologising for personal inadequacies which , on further examination , do not exist .
19 But they are not at all the same , being invariably grouped into three — Polynesia , Melanesia and Micronesia — on the basis of complicated formulae relating to the race of the islanders , their languages and their geography .
20 Sorrow and pain , on the other hand , are not at all essential ; there is no good reason for them and people seem to feel obliged to cry much more often than they laugh .
21 Obedient passivity and emotional dependence are not at all what Schleiermacher was talking about , though some of his language , taken out of context , could give that impression .
22 He stood more in the classical Christian tradition , which insisted that self-knowledge and knowledge of God are intimately connected , but that they are not at all the same thing .
23 For while there are detailed teacher 's notes provided , the Student 's Books themselves are not at all prescriptive .
24 The NT market being akin to a continent in formation , such seemingly obvious requirements are not at all that obvious , making NeTpower a valuable case study .
25 Twenty-eight per cent are very confident ; 10% are not very confident ; 2% do n't know and 1% are not at all confident .
26 Even if you are not at all ‘ creative ’ , it is worth applying the test .
27 Husbands also did a lot of work in the home , including many jobs which are not at all traditional men 's ones … there is now no sort of work in the home strictly reserved for ‘ the wives ’ .
28 The internal labour markets which generate organizational commitment are not at all unique to Japan ( although the extent of their mis-representation may be ) .
29 But , contrary to popular belief , they are not at all analogous to tape recorders .
30 These , well , these natural children , for want of a better expression , are not at all uncommon over there .
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