Example sentences of "are [not/n't] [v-ing] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are not suggesting Swindon did anything deliberate , but the fact is that they are now in the Premier League . ’
2 ‘ People will say we are not helping locals by signing imports , ’ said Anderson .
3 People tend to think , because they are not doing sums on paper they are not learning maths — but they are . ’
4 He now accepts that we are not privatising HMI .
5 Alongside them will be the new inspectors , from private organisations — I repeat that we are not privatising HMI .
6 These are not shrieking cornflower hues , but smoky , inky or even blackish blues ( Lauder 's Dress Blue/Blue Mist duo , Lancôme 's Illusion Bleutée , Chanel 's Paradis ( Enfer ) .
7 He said : ‘ There are people who might try to take the law into their own hands if they find that the police and community leaders are not achieving results .
8 Individuals can now be banned from estate agency work if they have engaged in ‘ undesirable ’ practices such as failing to inform the vendor about services being provided to prospective purchasers , discriminatory conduct against purchasers who are not accepting services from the agent , misrepresenting the existence or status of a prospective purchaser and failing to send written details of offers made by prospective purchasers .
9 The couple are not discounting marriage .
10 They are not taking things lying down as many other Third World people tend to do .
11 These people are not taking hostages , or causing any sort of trouble .
12 In particular it seems that members in the UK are not taking advantage of the scheme to the same extent as members in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland .
13 Members in Northern Ireland are not taking advantage of the savings available on Homecover to anything like the same extent as members in the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain .
14 There are very good grants but farmers are not taking advantage of them . ’
15 When she and her husband Bob are not taking breaks to beauty spots such as their beloved Weymouth , Betty fills her time quilling .
16 And though Moody 's and S&P rate nearly all big debt issues in America , they are not taking Europe for granted .
17 Even though school generated activities are not taking place at these times judgements are made about the standard of work on display and the general state of order and cleanliness .
18 Police are not taking action until they know whether the men face charges .
19 Architects on both sides of the wall are worried that racing to provide the new capital , the politicians are not taking time to consult Berlin 's architects about the problems on either side of the wall .
20 Yeah , sorry I was going to ah er do , do you find that er the criminals are not taking notice of alarms off now because they know that people will be
21 Unlike the construction of age equivalents , in the generation of standard scores it may help to include children with linguistic difficulties in the standardisation sample , since the test 's items will be designed to discriminate these children from children who are not experiencing language difficulties .
22 If you need to send the remedy through the post and are not using dropper type stock bottles I have personally found it safest to add the granule to 10mls of alcohol in say a 10ml screw cap vial .
23 A steady rise in teenage pregnancies suggests teenagers are not using contraceptives .
24 And I bet you , if you look at how many of your accounts are not using carriage forward when they should you would be amazed .
25 Fattening pastures , as opposed to land where growing youngstock is reared or dairy cows kept , require little manure apart from the droppings of the grazing animals , as they are not exporting bone ( phosphorus ) or milk ( calcium ) from the land .
26 It is also important that the areas where the varnish is being applied are dust-free and that you are not wearing clothes which will shed dust or fibres on to the surface .
27 In addition it is freezing cold , and the mares are not wearing rugs because they have foals at foot .
28 Badly fitting shoes will rub even more painfully if you are not wearing tights .
29 ‘ We are not expecting miracles but we think we can do well .
30 Staff levels have reached a low ebb and many firms are not expecting salaries to keep pace with inflation in the immediate future .
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