Example sentences of "are [det] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Bernier constantly contrasts Mughal India and seventeenth-century France : the Jumna compares favourably with the Loire , he thinks ; adultery is easier in Paris than it is in Delhi : ‘ in France it only excites merriment , but in this part of the world there are few instances where it is not followed by some dreadful and tragical catastrophe . ’
2 There are few secrets that you can keep from her .
3 If there are many cable crossovers the loose tension will hardly show and will certainly make the knitting easier , but where there are few cables and a lot of plain knitting the looseness of the plain knitting will take over and make the work look faulty .
4 But there are few women and even fewer men who do n't slip up at some point in their lives , in thought if not in deed .
5 Much work remains to be done on the structure of the shire community , and there are few shires where it has been closely analysed .
6 There are few patterns as varied and beautiful as those made by the feathers of birds .
7 There are few prisoners that I know of , and a hundred people live there , including two or three who are official security guards .
8 There are few columns or piers in these domed forms of construction , thus leaving open spaces in the interior where wall , vault and ceiling pictures can be seen without interruption .
9 The stomach 's adaptive capacity may alter its response to alcohol , but , there are few studies that have considered this problem .
10 In library education , however , there are few areas where it is necessary to use moving images .
11 Burrows seems to have lived with his material for so long that he has forgotten to throw out enough clues for the rest of us , and there are few hints as to why certain sequences are so important that they should be repeated over and over again But what constantly saves the piece from disappearing into itself is the obliquely moving nature of the central relationship and some patchy but startlingly lovely dance images .
12 There are few trees and no parks to be seen .
13 So from the point of view of the consumer , there are few tests that can be done prior to purchase , to ascertain how well a product will perform when fitted into the car .
14 He took an interest in most School activities , and there are few societies and clubs which he did not help by his advice and encouragement .
15 The radio is widely available — there are few households that do n't have one ; it is inexpensive , compared with other mechanical or electronic equipment , and it is an endless source of material on every possible topic .
16 There are few cars or jeepneys in Dapitan City — no Philippine traffic jams here — just taxi tricycles ( trishaws ) going round and round the plaza at a leisurely pace , looking for business .
17 There are few archers or hand gunners who can stand against decent combat troops in a pitched battle .
18 There are few jobs and unemployment stands at 24.3 per cent for males and 10.4 per cent for females compared to 12.5 and 6.8 respectively in the rest of Bristol .
19 There are few indications that that marvellous high level of incorruptibility has been cracking a little bit , are n't there ?
20 Political commercials might not be as persuasive as is commonly thought , but there are few doubts as to the importance of candidate appearances on ‘ free ’ news broadcasts .
21 However , food species are few , food webs are simple , and there are few alternatives if one or two sources of food disappear temporarily .
22 There are some waters that lie in valleys where the wind has little if any influence on the water , apart from a scurrying ripple that makes little difference to the temperature layers , dissolved oxygen , or food distribution .
23 Confronted with this , Cheniere retorts that there are some differences that are more salient than others .
24 Still , there are some areas that are ‘ better ’ than others , and these need special care .
25 It occurred to me that while we have , and I think it 's very positive , such a wide breadth of views and differences represented around the table tonight , there are some areas that are n't represented .
26 While these are primarily still seen as centres where teachers come to learn things , there are some instances where in small measure local curricula and local materials are beginning to emerge .
27 Clearly , there are some collocations that are independent of distance , but there are others whose behaviour is highly distance dependent [ Jones & sinclair , 1974 ] .
28 Clearly , ideas for changing the events that trigger your guilt feelings will depend on the exact circumstances , but here are some thought-starters that might help you to arrive at a feasible plan :
29 Clearly , ideas for changing the events that trigger your feelings of inadequacy will depend on the exact circumstances , but here are some thought-starters that might help you to arrive at a feasible plan :
30 Clearly , ideas for changing the events that trigger your feelings of inhibition will depend on the exact circumstances , but here are some thought-starters that might help you to arrive at a feasible plan :
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