Example sentences of "are [vb pp] which [am/are] " in BNC.

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1 I mean these are factors which are given which are trotted out as reasons .
2 The result is that systems at every level from the state to the small company are evaluated and policies are developed which are not sufficiently orientated to the needs and aspirations of the people within the system .
3 Research about vivid and flashbulb memories suggests that in exceptional circumstances , for example serious car accidents , memories of events are formed which are exceptional in their longevity .
4 It is here that it seems to me that there are basic problems which are not thought through , and moreover that moves are made which are deceptive , in that they give the impression that a solution has been found where in fact the main issue has not been tackled .
5 It has always been there — from the suffragettes to the Women 's Institute — but many of the older forms have become outmoded and new ones are needed which are relevant to the modern age .
6 Given the potential biomass residues , in the Third World , it must not be long before gasifiers are produced which are not constrained by the current composition of fuel .
7 The manufacturer , marketer and retailer will need to design , promote and retail products in such a way that images are produced which are consistent with those sought by prospective customers .
8 In each country , organisations are compared which are locally owned , and Japanese owned .
9 Two major protein species are detected which are probably due to post-translational modifications .
10 There should be better laws requiring that housing conditions are provided which are sufficient for animals ' needs .
11 Even if horses are found which are believed to be stolen it is difficult without a central file to link them up with owners who have reported them missing .
12 This example also demonstrates the basic principle of handling the repetitive elements : probes in the region containing this element are deleted one by one until two non-repetitive probes on both sides of the region are found which are connected by a minimum number of clones , linking these probes into a contig .
13 However , each module places different demands on the student and those responsible for programme design and guiding students in the selection of modules should bear these demands in mind , so that modules are taken which are appropriate to interest , experience and previous attainment .
14 It is again an attempt to retreat to the position that only those weapons are prohibited which are specifically referred to in a ratified treaty .
15 An hour is , e.g. divided into sixty minutes , the second into sixty parts and so on ; at last after ten or more successive divisions by sixty , time-elements are obtained which are not subjected to division , and in fact are indivisible . ’
16 The power station , the travel office and all other man-made systems have in common the employment of people so that sub-systems are required which are associated with personnel functions .
17 When stocks are held which are unlikely to be sold within the turnover period normal to a company , the impending delay in realisation increases the risk that deterioration or obsolescence will occur before the stocks are sold .
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