Example sentences of "are [vb pp] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Where two or three are gathered in my name , I shall be there with them ’ ( Matthew 18:20 )
2 In fact , crickets and cicadas hear through stretched membranes rather like our own eardrums , but these are placed in what seem to us rather odd positions .
3 Also from Chicago is promised High Renaissance Art in St Peter 's and the Vatican : an interpretive guide by George Hersey in which the papal commissions from such artists as Michelangelo , Raphael and Bramante are placed in their historical context ( £45.50 , $57 ) .
4 The positions of the main parasites ( including bacteria and viruses ) responsible for the diseases are placed in their zoological context with the aid of a series of tables which also indicate , in relevant cases , the prevalence of major parasites .
5 The positions of the main parasites ( including bacteria and viruses ) responsible for the disease , are placed in their zoological context with the aid of a series of tables which also indicate , in relevant cases , the prevalence of major parasites .
6 Although none of the aquariums used are lit , rocks are placed in them which have a generous growth of algae on them , and are changed once the algae has gone through constant grazing .
7 The assets are placed in his or her hands under Insolvency Rule 5.21 .
8 In other words , they demand that he give a lead ; meanwhile , however , countless obstacles are placed in his path to prevent him from actually exercising leadership .
9 Onerous responsibilities are heaped upon the man in the White House , but many obstacles are placed in his way as he attempts to meet those responsibilities .
10 ‘ I must not omit to tell you , ’ wrote Gould nonchalantly in a letter to Jardine on 16 January 1837 , ‘ that Mr Darwin 's Collection of Birds ( made during the late survey under Capn FitzRoy ) are exceedingly fine ; they are placed in my hands to describe ; some of the forms are very singular particularly those from the Gallipagos [ sic ] .
11 Some suggestions for reading are given in their sections by particular departments .
12 This can not be asserted as a metaphysical proposition ; as something , that is , which is true of the world of existents irrespective of the manner in which existents are given in our experience .
13 Full details of some of these are given in our London feature inside , but others include Ernst & Young ( two staff restaurants in the city and five satellite locations , plus function catering ) ; London Docklands Development Corporation ( a top quality restaurant for up to 300 ) ; and the Penguin Group ( staff restaurant for 100 ) .
14 Details are given in your eurocheque book .
15 Drawings of it are given in his Codex Atlanticus of about 1495 , but Leonardo can no longer be regarded as its inventor .
16 The distinctiveness of Formalist theory can , to a large extent , be appreciated by seeing what.place these three factors are given in it .
17 If they originate from some person of eminence they have , of course , additional prestige ; but they are prized in their own right because many are beautiful in themselves and are representative of their time and place .
18 The main benefits and allowances are listed in their appropriate chapters : for example , housing benefit appears in Chapter 8 , Your Home ; invalidity benefit is briefly described in Chapter 15 , Caring for Elderly Parents .
19 They are listed in their professional register , and while it 's unlikely that anyone will look you up , it 's possible .
20 Lodwick 's unpublished manuscripts , including an innovatory Dutch shorthand , are listed in his Works ( 1972 ) , all of which display originality and intelligence , but failed to find practical implementation by his successors .
21 Their addresses and phone numbers are listed in your local telephone directory or can be obtained from the directory enquiries operator by dialling 192 .
22 Those and all other grants available from other statutory organisations are listed in our booklet ’ Conservation and Diversification Grants for Farmers ’ .
23 Hopefully our readers will pass on the message to as many people as possible , with the hope that this particular con man , and others like him , are stopped in their tracks .
24 We are a relatively small group and therefore are limited in what we can do .
25 Polar ponds and lakes are limited in their energy uptake by snow-covered ice , which also inhibits wind-stirring for much of the year .
26 Where highly decentralised systems of local government ( such as in the United States ) are not found , the methods are limited in their applicability even in the field of local government .
27 Jon had discovered that the plants are limited in their range by largely specific environmental conditions .
28 Because of their composition , multiplicity of functions , procedures and restricted access to information , modern legislatures are limited in their struggle with bureaucracy even when , like the UK Parliament , they have a longer history , stronger tradition , higher status within the political culture and more central constitutional significance than most .
29 However , although agencies take a lot of the work out of finding an employee , and can be particularly useful if interviewer(s) are part of a voluntary committee which has limited time to devote to the task of appointing new staff , they have the disadvantage that you are limited in your choice by the number of people who have themselves registered with the agency .
30 It is obvious that the gender-dichotomising tendency goes deep , and that our languages are implicated in it ( males and females have different given names , different address titles , different pronouns … ) but it is perhaps less obvious that our metalanguages — the systems we use for talking about language , including grammatical categories — are implicated too .
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