Example sentences of "are [vb pp] that the " in BNC.

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1 In second form science ( at least in the author 's day ) we are taught that the atmosphere contains roughly four-fifths nitrogen ; one-fifth oxygen ; and traces of carbon dioxide , water vapour , and ‘ rare ’ or ‘ inert ’ gases , such as neon and xenon .
2 We are reminded that the romance we seek is constructed for the outsider .
3 In the end , though , we are reminded that The Smiths ' four proper albums represented these songs in far more forceful contexts , from the arrogant hesitation of ‘ The Smiths ’ through to the extraordinary confidence , wit and power of ‘ The Queen Is Dead ’ and onwards , we notice that things like ‘ Reel Around The Fountain ’ just do n't sit comfortably in the middle of a Fun Corporate Pop album , and in the end we say ‘ Are you too idle to buy the proper original records rather than fork out for ‘ Best …
4 Reading such a text we are reminded that the world we inhabit is constructed , not given ; constructed in language .
5 Those in the Member class wish to transfer to Fellowship are reminded that the next meeting of the Fellowship Committee will be held on 29 September 1993 .
6 Centres are reminded that the Board will allow candidates to use word processors or electronic typewriters in single subject Audio Transcription , Shorthand Transcription and Typewriting examinations .
7 Members are reminded that the Banks sold Extended Opening Hours to the Labour Court on the basis of significant additional jobs , to such an extent that the Court , in its Recommendation 13601 states as follows :
8 Q.T. 's are reminded that the Society operates an interest free loan scheme .
9 Teachers who are training girls in Medau for the Duke of Edinburgh Aware are reminded that the girl 's movement must be assessed by a Medau trainer at the outset ; otherwise it is impossible to assess her progress .
10 From this viewpoint , we are reminded that the complexity and clear definition of designs such as those of Woodchester , Barton and Stonesfield , would have been hard to maintain without the use of some kind of illustration .
11 Readers are reminded that the term ‘ United Kingdom ’ ( UK ) includes Northern Ireland , whereas ‘ Great Britain' ( GB ) does not .
12 Teachers are reminded that the following fees fall due for payment on 1st January 1992 , but may be paid earlier if desired .
13 It is only after these claims are discharged that the executor or administrator will transfer the property to those entitled ; or , if the property is settled by will and the executor is not himself trustee , to trustees for them .
14 It is only if all these conditions are met that the adult is likely to respond appropriately ( see acts performed by children 's first words , Chapter 3 ) .
15 We are told that the global military expenditure every year amounts to £235,000 million , twice as much as the nations spend on health , and half as much again as they spend on education .
16 We are told that the SLOPE test , for example , which yields results favourable to the natural order hypothesis , is communicative in character ( Krashen 1981 ) .
17 We are told that the Piranha has ‘ a worldwide reputation for ferocity ’ and that ‘ given the opportunity , these killer fish will attack horses , cattle and humans ’
18 The alleged motive which John did not dispute was that he committed this crime to conceal another crime being the murder of MOIR McILCHENICH widow in Ellister and we are told that the last mentioned murder of the widow was " discovered " ( probably means committed ) by him and others .
19 We are told that the elderly are living too long , will cost the country too much money and there will be no services enabling them to live with dignity .
20 But now we are told that the Labour party plans to increase the local contribution to no less than 20 per cent .
21 We are told that the initial creation of the assemblies would include a strategic body for London — Greater London council mark 2 .
22 We are told that the people of Britain want to shop on Sundays .
23 Right at the start of the report we are told that the G M B should be justifiably proud of our achievements in the field of occupational health , safety over the past fifteen years .
24 Also , the way we are told that the plan was connected with Swegen 's first visit to Essex suggests that he had been there again since this occasion and the drawing up of the confirmation .
25 There is also reference to reprimands and complaints addressed by him to his subordinates ; on one occasion we are told that the generals on an unsuccessful campaign justified their failure by explaining that although his piety was noted , he was not feared and this meant that his agents commanded no respect .
26 We are told that the hermit was once sitting alone in his cell after dinner when there came to him the lady of the house … and many persons with her , and found him writing rapidly .
27 We are told that the main reason given was the weakening of squadrons by withdrawing the best crews , Nevertheless after much procrastination , all of which is still clouded in the veil of " security " , the Pathfinder Force was formed on 15 August 1942 and its first Commandant was Gp Capt D.C.T. Bennett DSO ( later AVM , CB , CBE , DSO ) who was officially appointed on 5 July — the master airman extraordinary and navigator par excellence .
28 We are told that the two abstract " image schemas " , BALANCE and LINKS , explain how we can and should best explicate and understand King Lear , because that is how both overall pattern and individual metaphors and actions are objectively structured by the human mind ( see section four of Freeman 's article ) .
29 We are told that the animal had at some time been shot and wounded , so today it had been put out of its misery .
30 We are told that the animal had at some time been shot and wounded , so today it had been put out of its misery .
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