Example sentences of "are [adv] always [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , one thing worth mentioning at this point is that the larger parts are not always a guarantee of an agent 's interest — quite often big roles will attract attention , but a student who has been very well cast in a smaller role may hit the mark just as effectively .
2 Claudia loves roses , but they are not always a success .
3 Low local taxes are not always a recipe for electoral success .
4 A further problem of the street quota system is that people on the busiest streets are not always a good sample of the general population .
5 Interruptions are not always a curse ; I sometimes find that a lost association breaks the surface for air precisely when I 've stopped actively thinking about the writing .
6 Statistics are not always a reliable guide since , as every reader knows , frequency of utterance is not the same as intensity .
7 It is only good for learning weights , and weights are not always a reliable way to resolve conflicts .
8 While parents provide a lifeline for many women in poverty , they are not always an unproblematic source of help .
9 The snag is , as London Docklands developers have found , these are not always the houses that people want .
10 First movers , then , are not always the entrepreneurs who invent a product ; but they will be the first to build an organisation which can fully exploit its economies of scale and scope .
11 The words printed are not always the actual words spoken or written to us .
12 The perceptions of parent and teacher are not always the same , for one thing .
13 I know climbers are not always the most considerate of folks , but this is definitely a place to adopt a ‘ softly softly ’ approach , even if you are finding your chosen route a little hard going .
14 Even though many hoteliers admit that hotel guests are not always the principal users of leisure facilities , it has been shown that their existence does influence many people in their choice of a place to stay .
15 The first is that , although all methods have their shortcomings , they are not always the same .
16 Now the structures of practices are not always the same , but rather depend upon the various elements of the production processes they contain .
17 Farming pioneers , as with any other industry are not always the best rewarded for their efforts .
18 Sleeping tablets are not always the solution as they upset the normal rhythm of sleep and people may become dependent upon them .
19 He is not even disturbed by the fact that his beard , monocle and considerable size are not always the ideal ambassadorial countenance for delicate first encounters between East and West .
20 However , the kind of graph theory which mathematicians investigate is almost totally irrelevant for computing , and even the basic definitions which computing people use are not always the standard graph theoretic ones .
21 Although the military may try to give each large corporation a turn in contracting , these two corporations are in competition and their corporate interests are not always the same .
22 Its leadership was corporate , unlike that of most modern churches ; it comprised an equally unusual feature , prophets and teachers in the leadership together- and they are not always the easiest of bedfellows .
23 The philosopher Rescher offers a useful distinction when he says that we are all the best judges of our own satisfaction and happiness , and no-one can do this for us , but that we are not always the best judges of what is in our own best interests , and that others , who are less subjectively involved are better judges .
24 The draft PPG Note rightly points out that existing coastal defence policies are not always the cheapest option .
25 I agree with my hon. Friend that unit costs are not always the same in all parts of the country .
26 Competition and privatisation are not always the guarantors of quality .
27 ‘ If you look at the children of very rich parents you will see that they are nearly always an unhappy , shoddy lot , ’ he says .
28 They are nearly always the same people and they nearly always sit in the same places .
29 The leaves are nearly always the part of the plant used , newly picked and freshly chopped at once , or used dried , provided they are no older than six months .
30 Staff involved in scandals are nearly always the victims , too , of a system that has failed to recognize the needs of both users and providers .
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