Example sentences of "are [verb] to those " in BNC.

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1 The extra money earned from attending court on a day off can be attractive , but it is more often the case that reminders about the approaching end of the shift are given to those constables who suggest work which involves ‘ going over ’ .
2 The awards are given to those who , in the opinion of the judges , promote the positive aspects of wearing glasses to the British public .
3 ‘ as to whether the applicants appointed pursuant to a facility letter dated 15 May 1990 and a debenture dated 28 April 1989 made between the respondent and the Swiss Bank Corporation are administrative receivers within the meaning of section 29(2) of the Act of 1986 , or are receivers whose powers are limited to those conferred by the said debenture .
4 For reasons of space the diaries are limited to those of the school secretary , school social worker , head of primary department , supply class teacher ( juniors ) and welfare assistant ( infants ) .
5 When allocating tasks to contractors , engineers should seek to ensure that their requirements , particularly when safety–related , are communicated to those who will actually carry out the work .
6 Mr MacGregor said the Cabinet had agreed a clear spending totals in the summer ‘ and we are sticking to those . ’
7 Mr MacGregor said the Cabinet had agreed a clear spending totals in the summer ‘ and we are sticking to those . ’
8 Women are confined to those sectors of the job market which pay the least , no matter whether or not they are skilled .
9 Another possibility is that the transactions are confined to those governed by English law .
10 Given that urban districts may be subject to geographically uneven patterns of investment and disinvestment , the question arises as to whether urban redevelopment funds are targeted to those neighbourhoods most lacking in capital or those where private revitalisation is already well established .
11 When Adobe 's fonts are added to those already available in 3.1 , they make an impressive list .
12 The interest rates on a High Interest Cheque Account are related to those on the money markets , which means your money will always be earning an attractive return .
13 The result of such a superposition produces a state whose properties are related to those of its component parts in a probabilistic sense .
14 Further privileges are granted to those lexicographers identified in the group table as leading the group .
15 A major requirement of a religion then , must be that , above all , it shall be capable of a simplified , but undistorted interpretation capable of being taught to the very young in such a way that it will instil in them the stirrings of what will become their consciences , that is , they will harbour a subconscious awareness of the fundamental nature of right and wrong as these are applied to those areas of human aspirations where they are beyond dispute .
16 Sometimes commitments are made to those outside marriage in order to buttress a wavering commitment to the self .
17 Apologies are made to those branches of the sport not covered , Formula Ford , Hill Climbing , and so on .
18 Indeed in some cases it is possible that responses are made to those whose communication channels are working most efficiently , but not to those whose channels are blocked or filtered .
19 Most mortgagees have required specific consent from such persons to the taking of a charge by the mortgagee over the property or where they consent to a transfer of the property subject to the mortgage , coupled with confirmation from such persons that their rights are postponed to those of the mortgagee under its mortgage .
20 For instance , among the 22 Arg residues 19 are coded by AGA , 1 by AGG , CGT and CGC , the codons CGA and CGG being not used at all ; furthermore , triplets ending in A or T are preferred to those ending in C or G. This picture was confirmed when the analysis was extended to the eleven genes from S.solfataricus which have been sequenced so far , whereas the comparison with the codon usage by the corresponding genes in Escherichia coli and rat liver showed a completely different pattern ( 7 ) .
21 You can use them arbitrarily when you are speaking to those who can neither verify the accuracy of the data , nor have sufficient knowledge of the situation from which they are drawn to appreciate their significance .
22 It 's odd to see how much smaller the trees clinging to the cliff face which are exposed to the salty winds off the sea are compared to those growing in the more sheltered woodland later in the walk .
23 Club Players ' Day — All activities in the Festival area are geared to those club players who play tennis on a regular basis .
24 More generally , the " diglossia " paradigm tends to emphasise linguistic behaviour in terms of community norms rather than individual interactions which are orientated to those norms in a general way .
25 Those who can not write have less power than those who can : their acts of naming are restricted to those who will listen to them , those in the immediate locality .
26 This is yet another example of how the present libel law favours the very rich , and will continue to do so in this respect unless damages are restricted to those primarily responsible for publication .
27 We are saying to those councillors , ’ Wo n't pay , ca n't say ’ ; in other words , ’ If you are not prepared to obey the law and pay your rightful contribution to the cost of the local services which , as locally elected representatives , you have a say in providing , it is unjustifiable for you to have any influence , through your votes , on the amount of local tax that is levied in your area . ’
28 ‘ What we are saying to those responsible is , ‘ stop ’ .
29 Bills are allocated to those offering the highest prices until the total amount on offer is used up .
30 He accepted that each country presents different problems , requiring special solution , but believed that the problems of one country are linked to those of other countries in the same region .
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