Example sentences of "are [verb] [adj] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is extremely worrying that in non-diabetics half the cases of hypertension are undiagnosed , half those diagnosed are untreated and of the half that are treated half are inadequately controlled ( WHO Expert Committee on Hypertension , 1978 ) .
2 You are enjoying this are n't you Kevin ?
3 When I use it I ensure that I have some " special " roles " up my sleeve " as it were , so that the children who are approached last are allocated roles which , at least potentially , are the most important .
4 so these are say those are the , that 's a positive number and that 's a negative number , and this is , it 's , that means just add the positive version .
5 7.7.5 not to obstruct the access to any fire equipment or the means of escape from the Premises nor to lock any fire door while the Premises are occupied This is reasonable and advisable .
6 This ties in with earlier studies which have found that two-day-old infants who are considered attractive are held closer and spoken to more than unattractive babies .
7 However , of the dreams that are reported some are more structured , have more coherent themes and plots , than others .
8 Frozen food of the same types that are fed alive are also popular with many fishkeepers and their fish .
9 Daffs are looking nice are n't they ?
10 Oh we are looking posh are n't we !
11 their rates it 's because they are paying that 's all !
12 Where two figures are shown this is the chest width and foot width .
13 Yes you you are teach related is the word yes ?
14 I trust such feelings will not prove misplaced … assuming the Conservatives are re-elected that is .
15 you really are getting clever are n't you ?
16 Frontline workers this week gave a different picture of implementation from senior managers , many of whom are reporting all is well ( News , 8 April ) .
17 ‘ The vehicles are not inherently unsafe , it 's how they are driven that is the key . ’
18 are doing some are n't they , but I do n't if they 're actually video 's , there was something inside , they say , it 's the other week ago , German , French and Spanish I think learning centre in
19 The priests are saying this is the predicted last battle across the face of the universe , when every man must choose , ’ the major looked intently at Kopyion , ‘ between good and evil . ’
20 One enhancement is to provide two mark bits in each character , an " item mark " and " word mark " bit ; if both bits are set this is called a " record mark " .
21 Experts think a major reason why those with asthma and hay fever are suffering more is car pollution .
22 ‘ I can see from where you are sitting that is difficult to appreciate . ’
23 Arsenal are playing terrible are n't they ?
24 Furthermore if a blocking strain of mouse is used ( if the mice are outbred this is most likely to be the case ) then care must be taken to ensure that 2-cell stage embryos are recovered from the oviducts late enough in the second cell cycle to ensure their normal development to blastocysts in vitro .
25 Norman ( 1982 ) points out that all homes have some dementing residents — it is how they are managed that is important .
26 Erm , er I 'll I 'll close it at two , but perhaps I could ask the the applicants erm , I mean I appreciate that obviously erm it er it economy in in in obviously in what you 're doing , but I think it it it would be fairly obviously to , I mean it 's been stated that that that that residents nearby would prefer either two bungalows or a house and a bungalow , and I think er that certainly erm new developments adjacent to where you are proposing these are in fact all bungalows , er with the exception of the mill , which of course has been there a long time , er all those on that side of the road , both those two built and those two proposed are a bungalow or a semi bungalow , er and so erm you can see that obviously it is that the height of these buildings , it is erm causing the offence , largely , erm I I think , I mean obviously you will want to main you know , optimize your er development , but whether er a scheme with two bungalows that they would n't be four bedroomed bungalows , because there would n't be room for two of the four two four bedroomed bungalows , erm
27 In addition , it is most important that the case management service remains faithful to its models , or at least , if changes are required these are explicitly acknowledged and change measures and performance indicators altered to reflect the new focus .
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