Example sentences of "are [adj] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We also recognise that there is a tremendous problem for deferred pensioners in achieving reasonable transfer values er er er it 's a massive problem for them , even where they could find perhaps something to do with that money and a scheme that would do them better , not always , because there , there are people that give bad advice , but there are some that go into it very thoroughly and when it comes down to the bit the transfer value they receive makes it im practically impossible for them to do it .
2 Not with all National Savings , there are some that do n't a apply the compound interest factor , you get the interest at the end on the sum that you put in at the beginning .
3 However , we believe many Planning Committee members are fearful that voting to refuse will make them vulnerable to unpleasant accusations that they are uncaring of the needs of terminally ill children .
4 Even if all-out confrontation is avoided , many US academics and journalists are convinced that skirmishing between the three will dominate the post-Cold War era .
5 AN INDEPENDENT investigation into the costs of the planned shake-up of local government is being sought by leading council finance officials , who are convinced that figures already provided for the Government are wrong .
6 The stresses implied in Voigt 's can not be in equilibrium at phase boundaries : the strains in Reuss 's are such that bonding between phases must fail .
7 Prosecutions by local authorities under the Act of 1950 have little deterrent effect , because the increased sales are such that fines at the level presently authorised under the statute can be absorbed by large retailers as a relatively small increase in their costs , though the same is not true of small shops with their much lower sales .
8 As in other professions , women comics have to be extra-talented in order to compete with men , and have to adopt an aggressive approach ( Jo Brand , Ruby Wax and Joan Rivers are three that come to mind ) .
9 We are confident that Challenge EDP will make this happen . ’
10 ‘ We are confident that had these words [ sc .
11 ( c ) The ruined huts are all that remain of the old crofting settlement of Borreraig , an extreme example of the eviction of crofting communities in the 19th century .
12 Spinneys and woods are all that remain of once thick forest cover .
13 A handful of houses , a trout farm and the watermill are all that remain today in this tranquil backwater nestling at the foot of the wolds , just a few miles away from Alford .
14 Now this space and a terrace of standard Great Northern Railway Company houses are all that remain of a venture which attempted to turn Mundesley from a tiny fishing village to a major seaside resort in the early years of this century .
15 The thirty-nine works Brooklyn acquired nineteen paintings , nine works on paper and three sculptures ; the Met gained seven oils and one work on paper are all that remained of the hundreds of works the Lowenthals purchased between 1943 and 1958 .
16 The great transitions of life — birth , marriage and death — retained their power over the imagination , and the rituals around these are all that have kept many churches functioning .
17 And there are many that raise some slightly sad laughter .
18 " Cloudy " phrases are those that obscure the precise meaning of a sentence .
19 Anxious , because you know from past experience that when the convenient moment arrives for you to sow , the weather will turn wet or cold , even snowy , and effort and seed would be wasted , yet time is slipping by and the crops most worth raising are those that come first .
20 people I know and the only ones I really know are those that come in the shop .
21 Other examples from his list of claimed sense-qualifiers turn out to belong , instead , to a class of peculiarly restrictive adjectives which we discuss elsewhere ( Chapter 7 and also Ferris , in preparation ) : ( 31 ) their main faults our prime suspect he was named first citizen These adjectives , unlike most , are inherently restrictive , and select the particular entity to be identified by a speaker out of an already assumed body of entities ; thus the faults in the first example are not main faults in any general sense , as would be required if they were to be sense-qualifiers ; they are those that come out in front , relative to the background group of all their faults , relevant on the particular occasion where the expression is used .
22 Non-qualifying trusts are those that hold more than 50% of their investments in holdings outside the UK or EC .
23 For the sake of clarity , one possible solution is to provide that the SSAPs to be used are those that applied at a specified date even if changed subsequently between exchange and completion .
24 I could enjoy being ‘ half in love with easeful death ’ , or telling myself , ‘ I have not loved the world nor the world me ’ , or agreeing that , ‘ our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought ’ .
25 As he explained it at the briefings and again at his trial , three years later , ‘ The only people in the conflict in Nicaragua that are today buried beneath a cross are those that fight for the resistance .
26 There are those that relate directly to particular teaching subjects — new teaching packages and teaching methods in history or French or integrated science .
27 Good examples of intractable causal variables are those that relate to genetic make-up .
28 Hysteresis effects are those that remain after the initial causes are removed .
29 While many companies have a specific department with this title , there are those that take the view that marketing is the concern of all , while agreeing that the major role in providing market intelligence and identification is a commercial one .
30 Among the most painful objects of the present are those that tackle the evanescence of contemporary life with something only too material : fibreglass , life-size millworkers in industrial theme parks ; Tudor-style triple garages .
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