Example sentences of "a [adj -er] number of " in BNC.

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1 That decline , when coupled with the abolition of Labour party strongholds in local government in London and the metropolitan counties , reduced employment in the nationalized industries and public sector ( down from 29.4 per cent of the workforce in 1979 to 26.9 per cent in 1985 ) and a lower number of trade unionists and council tenants , means that a future Labour government will start from a much weaker position in terms of promoting its traditional objectives of public ownership , trade union bargaining rights , and collectivism .
2 We might even discover that he uses a lower number of abstract nouns than other writers of his time .
3 In his key he differentiates them on the number of arm spines and suggested that A. grandis could be separated from A. otteri by its ridged proximal ventral arm plates and by a lower number of arm spines .
4 This also indicates that RISC requires a lower number of the slower off-chip memory accesses and that complex addressing modes are not necessary to obtain an effective machine .
5 At the Civic Theatre , despite a lower number of performances last year , attendance has gone up from 112,000 to 113,000 .
6 The reduction in the paperwork undertaken by officers will mean a further number of police officers back on the beat , where the people of this county want to see them .
7 Other authors list a larger number of viewpoints but they seem to be relatively minor variants on these three .
8 Obviously the government intends to hold a larger number of women in detention in the future .
9 Those that remain in villages are the survivors of a larger number of such groupings which were much reduced by the policy of enclosing open fields which was pursued during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
10 On a mixed farm , there would be a larger number of buildings for cattle , while on a pastoral farm the reduced need for waggon horses caused the stables to be small and there would be little accommodation for crops .
11 It was generally the case that working-class loyalists , especially those connected with the paramilitary organizations , fared less well in the election than more ‘ respectable ’ loyalists and Vanguard had a larger number of such candidates than the DUP .
12 First , they must want to see a larger number of small farms ( at present they do n't ) and this means discouraging land management by large institutions .
13 If the chemical diffuses a long way it is more like shouting and a larger number of cells could receive the signal .
14 Wales consists of 8 administrative Counties further divided into a larger number of Districts ( which between these two tiers are mainly responsible for local government ) and a much larger number of Communities ( or Parishes ) .
15 It enabled a larger number of European countries to be included at the outset .
16 A larger number of bigger girls and women were in waiting at one of the locks , where the passengers are politely informed they may walk for a mile ; they had large pitchers and small jugs , and we are all favoured with pressing invitations to have ‘ sweet milk . ’
17 ‘ It is more/less effective to employ experienced teachers at the top of the scale than to employ a larger number of less experienced teachers . ’
18 While this teaching method was mainly confined to higher education institutions in the 1960s and 1970s the present phase has seen the production of a larger number of CAL packages for schools .
19 The work will include at least three pilot projects in the Third World and a larger number of social experiments in France . ’
20 Discussions between the two men led to the organisation of an important and influential summer study in African Education at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1961 ( fifty-two participants attended , including fourteen from African states , a larger number of American academics and a few British ) .
21 This would allow a larger number of glucose units to enter the gut , thereby allowing uptake of sodium ions via the sodium ion/glucose cotransporter at a higher rate , and hence allowing speedier reabsorption of water from the gut lumen .
22 The farms themselves may be categorised into three broad types on the basis of their layout : one or a few buildings seemingly in isolation or associated with earlier structures , for instance late prehistoric enclosures or , as at Lower Warbank ( Kent ) , a single sunken building adjacent to a Roman villa ( Philp 1973 , pp. 156–63 ) , which may only be part of larger settlements ; individual farmsteads , a group of buildings associated with a fenced enclosure or paddock , such as Cowdery 's Down ( Millett 1983 ) ; thirdly , larger settlements with either multiples of the previous category or a farmstead apparently with a larger number of ancillary buildings , such as Chalton , Hampshire and West Stow , Suffolk ( West 1985 ) .
23 Its RTnet-OSI V 3.0 networking software suite has been enhanced to include expanded support for a larger number of X25 wide area and Ethernet local area connections .
24 So far Clarke says the feedback from the trial has led to enhancements in the error handling capabilities of the object-oriented option along with more work on its ability to handle a larger number of objects and a lot of message sends without damaging critical performance features .
25 The three satellite constellations under consideration are geostationary , involving a few , large , satellites ; immediate circular orbit , using 12 to 15 satellites ; and low earth orbit , which would require a larger number of smaller birds .
26 In Western societies , men ( even those in process work ) still tend to be taught to seek relationships with a larger number of people and to control the amount of emotion they invest in these relationships .
27 Presumably , the Met only wants to put a limited number of TAFs on the system in order to save money and work ( it costs more to have a larger number of pages for your ‘ area ’ on the Prestel database ) .
28 A common law country will usually interpret the phrase to include almost anything which is not a criminal matter , but civil lawyers use a larger number of categories and take differing views on the relationship of administrative or public law matters , fiscal cases , or those including questions of personal status , to the categories of ‘ civil ’ and ‘ commercial ’ .
29 Multi-sprouting will induce more main stems which produce a larger number of small tubers .
30 However , Sophian and Huber ( 1984 ) found that when the causal task involved a larger number of conflicting cues , three-year-olds did not consistently rely on temporal priority cues , whereas five-year-olds did .
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