Example sentences of "a [n mass] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Novo Nordisk 's pesticide Novodor FC , based on a subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis , is highly specific and controls the larvae of the Colorado beetle without harming non-target insects or animals that feed on them .
2 The attendees were given a large package of data , including a precis of interests about themselves and a questionnaire which was completed by 75% of the audience .
3 BEFORE giving a precis of events , people often say : ‘ To put it in a nutshell . ’
4 The quagga , a sub-species of zebra distinctive for its lack of hindquarter stripes , is set for reintroduction into South Africa a century after it died out .
5 Ontological existents as a sub-species of topics of discourse , it has been emphasised , are inseparable from identity , i.e. it must be possible in respect of any such existent to use the phrase " the same A " , with A being a descriptive expression of some sort .
6 There is clearly no logical inconsistency involved in claiming , on the one hand , that relations must be regarded as a sub-species of properties ( in the broad sense of the latter term ) , and assuming that the world is an agglomerate of many different entities , on the other .
7 The area is a summer nesting ground for birds that migrate through Western Europe and also contains a sub-species of walrus .
8 This system suited Ferdinand in several ways : it was relatively cheap : it gave defence against small border raids and a trip-wire to provide early warning against major invasions ; it also broke the power of the remaining Croatian noble houses , which had survived the massacre of Krbavsko Polje ; and it might provide a corps of Kaisertreu troops in case of trouble from rebellious Hungarian magnates .
9 They wore no uniform , of course , but maintained a corps of stewards who could be exceedingly rough to anyone who dared to voice dissent at one of Carolan 's meetings .
10 The second daughter had died in childhood ; the fifth and sixth princesses , still children , were virtual prisoners of Horemheb in the royal palace of the Southern Capital , together with their aunt Nezemmut , Nefertiti 's younger sister ; and though treated with all the deference their rank demanded , they were never allowed anywhere unattended by a corps of Horemheb 's own men .
11 That was the case in the nineteen seventies when this project started … it 's a fct of life that there will be differences in salaries between different people .
12 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
13 Passing Bengie Pool , where Brora 's largest salmon , a fish of 45lb , had been caught , John Wilson noticed a good fish rising and decided to have a throw at it .
14 The first , a fish of 5lb , was displayed in the hotel by its proud captor , being much admired by guests .
15 Ten minutes later another angler arrived with a fish of 5lb 8oz .
16 a fish of flame in the shadowy
17 Noel ( Snr ) took the best fish , an 8lb 4ozs rainbow , and Noel ( Jnr ) topped the juniors with a trout of 3lb 4ozs .
18 The first angler each season to stand there and cast out a Black Pennel , about ten yards , always catches a trout of 1lb . ’
19 She has never received a lira of State help , despite the fact that her brother , Giuseppe Ciarrapico , chairman of the Roma football team , was a close associate of ex-Prime Minister Andreotti .
20 Moreover , my main objection to Mr Graham 's analogy was the implication that this ‘ dignity ’ was something one possessed or did not by a fluke of nature ; and if one did not self-evidently have it , to strive after it would be as futile as an ugly woman trying to make herself beautiful .
21 Just a fluke of nature .
22 The search of Clinton 's files had been ordered in September 1992 , at the height of the election campaign , in an effort to find evidence that the Democratic candidate had , while a student in the UK , sought to obtain foreign nationality as a means of avoiding being drafted for service in the Vietnam War .
23 Chamber music of the visual arts , drawings bring one intimately into the creative presence of a master , for they are generally a means to an end : a means of discovery concerning individual forms or formal composition .
24 The politician is the organ of society for having its cake and eating it , for escaping , if only for a moment , if only through a form of art — art is , after all , a means of escape — from the grimness of reality , from this grim fact that you ca n't have the cake and eat it , that you ca n't have public expenditure increased in excess of the rate of increase of the national product , unless private claims are correspondingly surrendered .
25 Depending on your roof type , and whether your windows need to provide a means of escape to comply with the Buildings Regulations , there are three basic types .
26 During the following weeks , the Prince travelled the Outer Hebrides in search of a means of escape ; the Island of Scalpay , near East Loch Tarbert ; Loch Seaforth and Stornoway ; back to Loch Seaforth ; Loch Uskevagh on Benbecula ; landing at Corrodale on 14 May .
27 Presented with so ready a means of escape from a course of action whose wisdom he already doubted , Coleridge 's decision was predictable and eager .
28 Religion becomes an opiate when it sets apart God from the world and makes him a means of escape from suffering that is a part of life . ’
29 It is more likely that she was a schizophrenic , for whom the religious beliefs of her day provided a means of escape from the daily life with which her inadequate personality could not cope .
30 But if she faced a China intractably hostile , staunchly pro-American and modernising with a vengeance , would the USSR become more amenable or would she look for a means of escape ?
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