Example sentences of "a [adj] [noun sg] before " in BNC.

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1 Clarke had 14 stitches in a knee wound after colliding with a goal post in a reserve match before Christmas .
2 To my surprise , the singer gave me a friendly nod before throwing his head back and tackling the last verses .
3 ASHLEY Cuddy scraped the last morsel off her plate with a sticky spoon before scurrying off , bright-eyed , to queue for her third mountainous helping .
4 A woman barred her way because a service was ending and there was an aggressive demand for a donation on entrance instead of , in the British tradition , a polite request before leaving .
5 The rebels then returned to Rutherglen Cross where they made a rebellious proclamation before moving off towards Avondale and the Irvine Valley .
6 Here at a private table before a crackling log fire , he passed round the claret and addressed his minions as follows : " You 'll find pressure on you here to sell these bloody OTC .
7 He would allow himself another three hours to enjoy a private supper before going to the Duchess 's ball where , he knew , the food would be cold and inedible .
8 This followed a private hearing before Mr Justice Konrad Schiemann in London .
9 A MOTHER who waited two and a half years in a Spanish jail before being convicted on drug charges was freed yesterday after receiving remission on her sentence for being ‘ a model prisoner ’ .
10 Stephen Lazarević , Lazar 's successor , actually fought for Bayezid 's Turkish army at the battle of Ankara in 1402 when Timur defeated the Turks and so gave the Byzantines a half-century respite before the conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmed II in 1453 .
11 Division three Redruth have never been in the last 16 and the Cornish crowd will have an early chance to make a big-match noise before their customary bid for a county final place .
12 Even by the sword , for all those evils must first be cut away with a strong hand before any good can be planted , like as the corrupt branches and the unwholesome boughs are first to be pruned , and the foul moss cleansed or scraped away , before the tree can bring forth any good fruit .
13 Is the existence of a supportive relationship before an event the critical factor , or can new supportive relationships mobilised at the time of the event be effective ?
14 He tempted Mike Atherton into a rash hook before lunch then returned to break up a third wicket stand between Fairbrother and Nick Speak which had put Lancashire in complete command .
15 After a few seconds he looked like a Dark Age warlord in mid campaign , in mid mop-up , on mired mountaintop , taking a glazed breather before moving on to the women and children .
16 To reach the dais from the windswept coach park the tourists file down a narrow gorge before negotiating a series of ladders and bridges .
17 I found myself in the Alps with a narrow pass before me , began to ascend the rough and desolate track .
18 In summary , when cells are activated , the cytoplasm becomes an excitable matrix which allows a calcium signal to initiate periodically at a specific point before spreading throughout the cell as a regenerative calcium wave .
19 A small feasibility study may be an economical way of reducing the uncertainty — see Chapter 5 — in a specific aspect before authorizing the funding of the whole project .
20 A small feasibility study may be an economical way of reducing the uncertainty — see Chapter 5 — in a specific aspect before authorizing the funding of the whole project .
21 One in four children today will experience a parental divorce before their sixteenth birthday
22 Back indoors , she brewed coffee and ate a hasty breakfast before settling down to work .
23 Climbing quickly behind the wheel , she gave a hasty wave before driving off .
24 There is a growing consensus , which the Minister is prepared to support , that there will be a Labour Government before too long — when our proposals will be implemented .
25 Even Lord Beddington was upset , being made to look like a damn fool before Her Majesty 's son .
26 As Dr Turnbull has pointed out , it is hardly meaningful to talk of a trans-regional network before 1810.42 Significantly it was Birmingham rather than London which was the hub .
27 The Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry on Jan. 9 announced that the Czechoslovak side was to press for a complete withdrawal before the end of 1990 of the estimated 75,000 Soviet troops stationed in the country since the entry of Warsaw Pact forces in 1968 .
28 Then a complete rehearing before a differently constituted body would be needed in order for justice to be seen to be done .
29 Some 70 pharmaceutical grade trace elements and the basic compound are melted together to ensure a complete mix before being solidified and ground down into the basic salt .
30 Had they checked with a knowledgeable nuclear physicist — and there were several in the nearby physics department who could have helped — or held a technical seminar before the press conference , they would have learned this before events overtook them .
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