Example sentences of "a [adj] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 I 'll do a complete costing on it but I think er the only thing is of course there are so few agents total .
2 Why do n't you get a free put on market .
3 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
4 No 87028 Lord President displays its InterCity livery while pausing at Carlisle with a southbound express on 27 August 1988 .
5 A lucky find on the edge of the Cotswolds is helping archeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain .
6 A lucky find on the edge of the Cotswolds is helping archeologists discover what life was like in Roman Britain .
7 Only some of this range of procedures could be used in this feasibility study with a brief centred on the Cockcroft foundation list .
8 The dynamic duo were second in line and , unnerved by the wait and the antics of the interlopers , the McFall sewing machine did a brief turn on the delicate opening slab .
9 do a quick kill on the tarmac and see what goes on in the town and then they move on
10 When the mining companies discovered that they had a valuable find on their hands , they took de facto control of the land in the immediate vicinity . ’
11 But when this and fines imposed on others as well as those firms involved in the Folding-Carton industry conspiracy are calculated against the gross revenues and then standardized as a fine imposed on a person earning $15,000 annually , it is clear that they are relatively minuscule .
12 The budget , of course , also has a major bearing on the level of next year 's Poll Tax bills .
13 I felt a slight tap on my right foot , it was the Commando lying next to me .
14 The girl wore no other jewellery — now , at least ; but he noticed that the long lobes of her ears were pierced , and that there was a slight graze on the side of her neck .
15 One man hurt his shoulder , one his knee , one had a slight cut on the back and I was only bruised — I felt very elated , glad to be alive , amazed and grateful for our miraculous escape .
16 The ventral arm plates are nearly rectangular with a very obtuse proximal angle and a slight indent on the distal edge ; they are nearly contiguous on proximal arm segments .
17 We were in no danger , although as first-time visitors to southern Africa we could be forgiven a slight tremble on the camera shutter .
18 In a counteroffensive launched on Nov. 4 Cambodian troops failed to recapture Pailin .
19 Meanwhile , there was no confirmation of extravagant guerrilla claims concerning the recapture of territory in a counteroffensive launched on April 6 and centred upon the government-held town of Sisophon .
20 " It 's a cosmetic painted on life by rich people to conceal its ugliness . "
21 This type of plan is know as I think B is the answer , you know , of anybody got that wrong I think a severe smacking on the head is probably due .
22 It shows that domestic violence , sexual harassment , rape , incest and sexual assault are commonplace manifestations of a dynamic based on men 's power and women 's subordination .
23 ‘ Should n't a familiar sit on the shoulder rather than the waist ? ’ suggested a new voice behind Maggie .
24 You need a spare tank on hand should a pair decide they are going to fall out and a 24″ × 12″ × 15″ would suffice for a short-term solution .
25 His face was the colour of a new cricket ball ; a small graze on his top lip being the only vestige of his controversial shaving injury .
26 A drunk sat on the step of the pub on the corner , his head in his hands .
27 These can be in the form of a regulatory agency fine , which is comparable to a fixed-fine imposed on traffic offenders , and a criminal fine imposed by the court .
28 Irma La Douce is a musical based on the farce mechanism , with a cast of Damon Runyon characters , transferred from Brooklyn to the Pagally .
29 Would Mr Mafouz be able to glory in his son 's seventeen straight alphas , or to admire his leading part in the headmaster 's The Bowl of Night , a musical based on The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám ?
30 A bad snap on a Colts ' punt attempt later gave Pittsburgh the ball on the Indianapolis 34 and Malone connected with Brenberg for the final Steelers ' first half score with 1:03 remaining .
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