Example sentences of "a [noun sg] for his " in BNC.

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1 In the ‘ FURNITURE ’ section he made a little hut out of cardboard and used it as a base for his search .
2 Indeed , Eadwine may have used Chester as a base for his attack .
3 And if he had to set out on this nonsensical journey to the Fire Court with the Humans , it would be as well to just stock up a bit for his return .
4 There was a certain bitter anger in his voice , but it was obvious that it was caused by a tenderness for his grandmother .
5 The Sheikha would know what she could spend on gifts for her prospective daughter-in-law ; the son would be given a budget for his bride house .
6 The council tax would have been £588 , a reduction for his constituents of £549 .
7 The Rev. George A. Stallings Jr was on July 4 , 1989 , suspended as a Roman Catholic priest for holding a mass for his own new congregation in Washington DC .
8 On his retirement , George Healey was honoured by being made the Association 's first deaf Patron , and at the Southampton Congress shortly before his death in 1925 he was presented with an illuminated testimonial and a cheque for his pension fund .
9 Well in , and there 's one or two people here that 'll know what I 'm talking about , we 've had one of our local MPs on a consultancy basis for the Health Clinic , fix up a contract for his own particular company .
10 Burton , too , contributed : a wayward genius , too much of a drinker for his own good , Richard did in this instance behave like the very bright and perceptive gentleman he could be .
11 The headline said : ‘ Skeleton Found in Woodland Grave ’ , and the story beneath it ran : ‘ While digging a grave for his pet dog a Suffolk landowner , with a home near Hadleigh , unearthed a human skeleton .
12 The foolish trader is tempted by a bargain price and then scurries around trying to find a buyer for his bargains .
13 ‘ To meet the case where an owner-occupier puts his house up for sale and moves into a new house but can not at once find a buyer for his old house , the 1965 Finance Act provides for exemption or relief from capital gains tax even though the owner did not actually live in the house for a period of up to 12 months immediately preceding the date of sale .
14 He would flirt with the girls who sold them to him and pretend they were a present for his mother .
15 It is a tribute to the efficacy of Daynurse ( recommended by his driver ) , and the restorative powers of malt whisky ( a present for his 50th birthday ) that the campaign did not take a more visible toll .
16 A little boy had been sent off to a birthday party all dressed up in his best clothes and clutching a present for his school friend .
17 He then sees displayed in a shop window , a fur coat priced at £500 , and decides he would like to buy it as a present for his wife .
18 As his family began to grow , money was hard to come by so he became a clerk for his family and John cannily gave dressmaking work to his new daughter-in-law to help them survive whilst getting good value for money for himself .
19 It will be seen that all three of these matters must have a special importance when the transaction in question is one of suretyship and the wife without any recompense , except the advantage of her husband , saddles herself or her separate property with a liability for his debt or debts .
20 Kelly relishes the prospect of a fight for his place .
21 He survived a fight for his Oxford West and Abingdon seat and was rewarded with a cabinet post , but today such glories were left behind , as he joined the audience for Bottle Busters .
22 Looking for peace and solitude , he bought a cottage in a small Bedfordshire village and had a garage turned into a bungalow for his beloved grandmother .
23 This was just a wind-up , a tease for his pleasure .
24 However a fellow gekko breeder wanted a male for his females to breed from .
25 Still munching cheese , Paul made a dive for his coat only to be halted by his mother 's withering glare .
26 Professor Wragg writes : Your Local Education Authority is obliged to give your son a grant for his first higher- education course .
27 Cameron III asked for a guitar for his 13th birthday .
28 The boy feels hostile towards his father as he believes he is a rival for his mother 's intentions .
29 Mr Kinnock said that this week 's conference had been a landmark for his party .
30 Even on the field he had his own personal trademark — flapping shirt sleeves and long , baggy shorts , which served both as a landmark for his colleagues and to help keep out the cold he felt so badly .
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