Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 They can have far reaching consequence in the development of an organism , e.g. one error of a base results in haemoglobin S being produced which results in sickle cell anaemia .
2 This time the District Councils collect it from Community Charges payers , and whether you had a rating systems in place at the moment , or whether you have Community Charge , Bob and his high spending friends would still have to rein in their expenditure and recognise that the people of Oxfordshire can not keep paying for his profligacy .
3 I worked for a , for a like a , it 's a money brokers in , in London but exactly the same stockbroking , and it was exactly like the film , you know , they had this , they had this room , like they had one of those long rooms as well you know with all the desks and computers and stuff but they had this one enclosed off room where all the dealers sat round this massive like circular console type table , and like they were all under thirty but like overweight , all c driving Porsches and taking coke and shit like this and right they just , they got into the office at something like six in the morning like I 'd get in at nine and I 'd be , be wandering around they 'd just have their trousers open , shoes off ,
4 Cos it 's it 's puts it do , I know you were saying about it 's difficult to answer yes or no to a question but i in this case it 's really true because I answered no but I 've I 've got erm I mean I 've I 've got a degree in politics and I studied er , I did a a course women in politics
5 For example , if by trial and error I discover that one particular way of ironing a shirt results in the job being completed more quickly , the reinforcement arising from removing a noxious event ( I hate ironing ) will very likely result in that technique becoming well established .
6 I think he was conscious of a great deal probably , but at the same time many writers will tell you that they find when they 've finished a poem or a play things in it , demonstrably in it , systematically and intelligently present with real relations , which they do n't remember writing .
7 A puppy which may have rabies is being held at a quarantine kennels in the region .
8 A porcelain corgi in the window took her fancy .
9 Sometimes a vote results in a tie and to resolve the deadlock it is generally accepted , and often laid down in standing orders , that the Chairman has a casting vote in addition to the regular vote he may have .
10 As a result schools in leafy , middle-class , suburbs have become richer and more successful , whilst those in the inner-cities have become poorer and more deprived .
11 As a result journalists in Nigeria either depend on press releases , speeches , statements and hand-outs or go on hearsay , rumour and stories fed to them by politicians .
12 Thus if a close approximation to such a transformer features in the bridge circuit of figure 7.10(a) with its secondary winding tapped so that it divides into two portions having turns N 1 and N 2 , the ratio of the potential differences across these secondary portions will be near enough .
13 It fulfilled all functions and provided all the information that a diver needs in order to eliminate any possible problem areas encountered on a dive .
14 Such a drawing results in an increase in the Fund 's holdings of the member 's currency and a decrease in the IMF holdings of the currencies that are borrowed .
15 A Living standards in London , 1500-1700
16 Despite poor trading , the bank stumped up another £70,000 for a second premises in Chelsea last year .
17 One the manager of a tiling manufacturers in Swindon , the other a colleague of his brother 's : neither of the men he 'd wished to know better .
18 She became interested in Medau just over ten years ago and qualified as a Medau teachers in 1979 .
19 Since qualifying as a Medau teachers in 1968 she has taught regular classes for adults , children and the mentally handicapped .
20 It started in 1953 as a village grocers in Streatley , but expanded to become Britain 's most famous cheese shop .
21 As a consequence wives in social class I and II in 1986 produced their first child when they were more than four years older than wives in social class IV and V. From the 1930s until the 1970s the average couple 's first baby arrived about twenty months after their marriage .
22 Sharon with a B.A. Hons. in Textiles from Galashiels , previously worked for Courtaulds Automotive Textiles for three years .
23 Indeed , animal studies have shown that the presence of a tumour results in increased hepatic protein synthesis .
24 The same holds good today and it would be idle to suggest that the victim of a robbery consents in any way to hand over his property , much less to transfer its ownership , to the robber .
25 Damien Walsh , from Colinvale , Poleglass , was murdered on Thursday night as he closed up a fuel suppliers in the Dairy Farm Centre .
26 PEOPLE travel from all over the world to look at a scrap-metal merchants in Shrewsbury .
27 Thus , Edison-type cylinders , two and a quarter inches in diameter , became the standard format .
28 down into his arteries and we ca n't get anything down there so they 're blocked , but he said how the hell he survived that op I do n't know he said they could 've done more with his legs but it meant another hour and a quarter minutes in surgery , and he said he 'd had enough we could n't have kept him on the table a minute longer so he said all we can do is wait , so now mum said well he 's alright in intensive care , he 's responding well , getting over the operation well , but what we was worried about was him breathing on his own , had he , had he been you see , anyway he said this on er Thursday
29 Some companies feel that involving a factor results in their losing contact with their customers while others fear that their customers will take the appointment of a factor as a sign that they are in difficulties .
30 The roads were bad and hotels poor ; in a Kentmere caravanserai in 1820 according to the Lonsdale Magazine , there is a good description of a mixture of farmhouse and public house , serving as hotel : ‘ The floor was bespread with tubs , pans , chairs , tables , piggins , dishes , tins and the other equipage of a farmer 's kitchen .
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