Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 He therefore concentrated his attention not on the Kent coast but on the Isle of Wight , where the French had actually landed in the past and which , once occupied , could serve as a base to paralyse and capture Portsmouth .
2 The company promptly sent a replacement and Mrs Bothwell said : ‘ I had a trial pouring and the teapot passed with flying colours . ’
3 Yesterday a fuse blew and all the screens went down in the middle of the show .
4 One day a cable shorted and they were electrocuted .
5 Learning that your loved one is having an affair is a body-blow to trust and poison to self-esteem .
6 In the case of a building society mortgage , it may be useful to ask for a " daily interest rate " in case there 's some slight delay in completion ; this will save writing another letter , and will enable you in such a case to disburse and account for the completion monies as soon as you receive them .
7 I think it , this is whole scheme is just a case experimenting and trying things with different work
8 Ex hypothesi there is at this stage a case to answer and it would , in our view , be an abuse of process for the prosecution to discontinue without leave .
9 But the court accepted the prosecution 's argument that there was a case to answer and committed Coun Garvey to stand trial at Teesside Crown Court .
10 His helmet was a bit dented and it had lost its feathers but otherwise he was all right — just a bit dizzy that 's all .
11 And there she was , a bit dented and definitely in need of a coat of paint , a Peterhead prawn fishing boat , nudging her way into the topmost lock .
12 The colours were a bit faded and it looked like no one had rearranged or replaced the pictures in the case for some time .
13 There were a few tears even the obstetrician seemed a bit overcome and kept shaking my hand .
14 If the valves are a bit pitted and have poor seats then they will quickly burn out .
15 ‘ She is a bit shaken and quite cold but we do n't believe she is too serious , ’ added the spokesman .
16 Joe was in good form , though the time for his retirement was drawing near , and he was already beginning to feel a bit lost and abandoned by people who once fawned on him .
17 When Sombro comes home after a long excursion , he 's usually very thin , in poor shape and a bit battered and bruised .
18 Maybe we are like a photocopy of God that got a bit crumpled and smudged as it came out of the machine so that his image in us has got a bit spoilt , but that does not alter the fact that every person has something of God about them .
19 By the end , of course , they were thoroughly enjoying themselves because they 'd had a bit to drink and it was a jolly convivial evening . ’
20 She loosened up after she 'd had a bit to drink and told me about it .
21 ‘ I admit I had a bit to drink and was being verbally aggressive but that was all . ’
22 But I was feeling a bit tense and restless , and did n't feel like being alone or sitting still .
23 Oh yes quite so and if they 're doing well they really , local people really get behind them , but they , they 've prom in previous seasons they they 've promised so much and then fell away at the end that people have got a bit disillusioned and discontented so that , but like last year when they were doing well in the cup they erm at Watford I mean loads of people went to see them .
24 People think they 're a bit pampered and even a bit posey .
25 I had to admit that the young men leaving that room all looked a bit shattered and one almost reeled out , holding his mouth with both hands .
26 A bit muddied and splattered , ’ he said .
27 Yet , whenever she contemplated a resumption of the life she had enjoyed before her initial meeting with Johnny , she felt a rising panic and a disinclination amounting almost to hostility at the very idea .
28 I 've made a decision to go and say , hey , this might be worth having .
29 The swan-white robes were not the possessions of single families but of the community , and every mother whose infant wore a robe made and sewed a tiny bow to the back of the garment , so that it might be recorded how many infants had been christened in it .
30 and then you become to understand that , that half of you just disappeared , the way I feel I felt like it 's just a shell left and all the inside just gone out and I 've
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