Example sentences of "a time when [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first meeting is also a time when transgressions are most likely to cause lasting damage .
2 This was at a time when prices were rising at 30–40 per cent per annum .
3 An odd move , to be sure , at a time when prices were falling — and in a rather smart street , too , where such a venture would not be guaranteed to make him instantly popular with the neighbours , as customers came in one door and noisome smells came out of another .
4 In the bond market , the Bank does not actively try to sell at a time when prices are falling ; indeed its spokesmen have often asserted that it can not sell in such conditions , that the views of investors in the short-term are predominantly extrapolative and that few will wish to buy stock when the price is falling .
5 There was a time when sport benefited from hidden subsidies .
6 Put very simply , if debentures are issued at high coupon rates which reflect current rates of inflation , then if the rate of inflation falls the company will be stuck with a high coupon burden at a time when inflation no longer boosts its earnings .
7 The strength of the stock market has been built entirely on the belief that the economy is about to start growing again at a time when inflation , earnings growth and interest rates are all low and falling , creating ideal conditions for a period of non-inflationary growth .
8 Chemical treatment with nitrogen , potassium and phosphate was introduced just before the war to increase production in a time when manpower was low .
9 In any event , you would do well to strive to avoid the uncertainty of a dispute about the legal effect of words said at a time when tempers flare .
10 Too many studios had been built in Britain during the production boom and , at a time when filmmakers were anyway keener than they had been hitherto to get out among ordinary people , they found they were no longer constrained by anxious accountants determined to maximize the use of studio space .
11 To buy a second engraved copy at 24 livres , which was about 5 per cent of the cost of a good harpsichord , would have been extravagant at a time when copying was cheap .
12 On the pitch he represented amazing , individualistic skill and off it he typified the so-called swinging sixties ( although the picture was actually taken in the early seventies ) of nightclubs , Manchester , and a time when footballers behaved like pop stars , not robots .
13 In 1956 , at a time when eligibility for jury service was still limited by a property qualification , Lord Devlin described juries as ‘ predominantly male , middle-aged , middle-minded and middle-class ’ .
14 Their violent , witty , literate affair at first amused and intrigued their friends at a time when life was grim .
15 But it also lay in the European view , at a time when Kissinger was hard at work with his piecemeal diplomacy , that a comprehensive approach rather than a step-by-step strategy was the essential road to peace .
16 For my part , I welcomed the temporary relief from an added pressure of numbers and new problems at a time when Banbury School was in its infancy .
17 Professor Connor , in a fascinating paper on computers in classical studies , claims that computers came just at the wrong time , at a time when scholar 's interests were moving from textual studies to critical theory , women 's studies and the like .
18 One favourite medium of attack in Iraq was the newspaper cartoon , with spectacularly uncomplimentary portrayals in the Baath Party newspaper al-Thawrah of the three chief objects of the leadership 's hostility — Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin , Syria 's President Hafez al-Asad and of course Khomeini , on one occasion presented , at a time when Iran was widely reported to be cutting oil prices to boost sales volume , as a door-to-door kerosine street pedlar calling out , ‘ Naft !
19 The ruling came at a time when Indians throughout Canada were asserting their rights to vast areas of land .
20 At a time when computer technology was advancing rapidly and any given computer-based business management system tended to be technically obsolescent in a short time , a company made a reasonable decision that all such computers would be depreciated at 50 per cent per annum , making prudent financial provision against their short useful lives .
21 At a time when computer technology was advancing rapidly and any given computer-based business management system tended to be technically obsolescent in a short time , a company made a reasonable decision that all such computers would be depreciated at 50 per cent per annum , making prudent financial provision against their short useful lives .
22 At its crudest the conservative-historical approach to permissiveness is but a mourning for a lost ‘ golden age ’ , an expression of grief for the passing of a time when questions of morals supposedly appeared much simpler , more straightforward and certainly less contentious and open to question .
23 If not , sit down and have a chat with your child ; but not at a time when feelings are running high .
24 Certainly , if there was a degree of hostility to the Danes in London the anniversary of Ælfheah 's death on 19 April would have been a time when feelings ran particularly high , for Cnut 's England was clearly conscious of anniversaries of recent events , as awareness of the dates of the battle of Assandun in 1016 and the death of Edmund Ironside indicates .
25 Mr Ashe , who received a supportive phone call yesterday from President Bush , shot to fame in 1968 when he won the first United States Open at a time when blacks were still largely excluded from professional tennis .
26 There was a time when Captain Simcox had fitted comfortably into the officer class — but that was before the war and his marriage to Elizabeth .
27 A The first kind developed out of the Romantic movement which emerged at a time when artists of all kinds rebelled against being servants in wealthy households , obeying their patrons ' orders and being regulated by religious , political and other advisers .
28 To celebrate a time when artists were also jewellers , we have selected some examples of their work-and of the work they helped to inspire .
29 At a time when realist painters were focusing on the urban landscape , the routine and everyday , Minton 's decision to rework another artist 's evocation of a grand historical event seemed to his students puzzling and eccentric .
30 The joint Royal College of Nursing and Nursing Standard survey has come at a time when Essex Rivers Healthcare is trying to save £2.2 million to cope with an overspend of £1.3 million last year , waiting lists are at a record high and the closure date of a Colchester hospital has been set .
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