Example sentences of "a way [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 calling in a way but you 've got
2 It was like a rainbow in a way but it was far softer and more frail , hanging there in the mist like some ray of home .
3 The Imperial is marked with an X , If you were starting form the shop turn left down Elland Road and keep going straight ( uphill ) for quite a way before you reach a T junction .
4 The Imperial is marked with an X , If you were starting form the shop turn left down Elland Road and keep going straight ( uphill ) for quite a way before you reach a T junction .
5 We can at least begin to understand the human life and affection and anger and doubts and suffering and death of God in a way that we could not possibly begin to understand what it means for him to be God .
6 The other , more disturbing reading is that the Shakespearian phrases are made appropriate because the present situation reinterprets them in such a way that we are forced to wonder if a Burbank-Volupine situation was not just the sort of thing they were talking about all along .
7 Because we have so many cameras I can have for the editing a great many possibilities ; and if we have filmed the music properly in the first place we can already have created some very important effects just with one shot — the violins may have the principal melody with an important counter-melody or harmonic detail in the violas , so we might shoot the passage in such a way that we have the violin bows in the foreground , the conductor , and the violas clearly focused as the third element in the shot .
8 To be involved professionally in a thing as creative as this is a great privilege and we have a duty to make it in such a way that we can help bring pleasure and a sense of fulfilment to those who are not so fortunate .
9 It is surprising in a way that we remember these things , for those of us living off Greenwich Mean Time witnessed them at hours well past our normal bedtime .
10 This is still a binding holiday agreement on both you and us , but we have set it out in plain English , in a way that we hope you will find informative and easy to read .
11 I do n't know whether that will actually happen , because Guild really have the first option , but I was hoping there 'd be a way that we could cooperate and perhaps Eggle could do the British end of it .
12 All kinds of conditioning causes us to act in a way that we know is contrary to what we really want .
13 We choose to be attractive , or dowdy , to enhance what nature has given us or to play it down ; we can dress in a way that we feel accords with our essential character or choose to create a fantasy image which bears little resemblance to the personality .
14 It was only in the late eighteenth century that spelling became standardised in a way that we would recognise today , and as late as 1900 you can read variant words that surprise us rather — shew for show , for example .
15 So that if we deal with it er er in a way that we can find a professionally acceptable
16 Can we not do more even than we 're doing at the moment to restore to the centre of the life of the church the glorious concept of a team of pastoral care and a high command of power strategy in which dominance by ministers will be reduced to the minimum in order that together we may be ready to let the lifeblood of Christ flow through us in such a way that we will be better able to welcome the twenty first century in his name .
17 He looked up and his eyes were dark , and we were both embarrassed in a way that we would n't have been if we 'd been close together , but it was better that we should stand on our own for this .
18 It is wonky in a way that we can work out , even though we can not see it curving off into any extra fourth dimension . ’
19 I know there 's a way that we can be together .
20 Among other things , this means that we have to learn to recognise the sounds , spellings and meanings of individual words , and to store this information in such a way that we can call upon it when we encounter spoken or written words .
21 But more striking still is his ability to make the voice switch from aria to narration , at almost any moment , in such a way that we hardly notice it , because the orchestra takes over the melody from the singer .
22 And er some of the schemes have been criticized but it was a blessing in a way that we got them done when we did and er we were able to house a lot of people out there and release ground in the centre of the town to be redeveloped and er brought up to modern standards .
23 And we hopefully are going to manage our business in such a way that we can accept that a Mini is , is a quality result .
24 My right hon. Friend said that we had inflation licked in a way that we had not had it licked for years .
25 The Government may have decided that membership of the exchange rate mechanism should be managed in such a way that we do not devalue , but if we wish to devalue , we can .
26 Yet authentic conversation and involvement must allow for a full range of likes and dislikes to be expressed , and also for criticism as well as acknowledgement , but we need to do this in such a way that we do as little damage as possible to other people as people .
27 It 's a pity in a way that we did n't have this discussion before , because I do think it 's important and I think parties these days , goodness knows what we 're matching is to , should be a bit and they want more , sort of less than putting in less fifty percent .
28 In the first place , in the ( rare ) cases where sentence-meaning exhausts utterance-meaning ( i.e. where the speaker meant exactly what he said , no more , no less ) , the same content would be assigned both to semantics and pragmatics In other words , we would need to restrict the notion of utterance-meaning in such a way that we subtract sentence-meaning , and in that case we are back to a definition of pragmatics by residue .
29 Well it so happens that I did intend you to do a paramount of talking this afternoon , so it 's quite convenient in a way that we are being recorded .
30 Okay then we used this er in a way that we 're using it right now to er produce our design for what we were going to say through thought patterns .
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