Example sentences of "and having the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ By holding open meetings for children and having the telecottage above the local store , people of all walks of life came in - small-scale entrepreneurs and their spouses , shop assistants , craftspeople and children .
2 The Nubas of East Africa fear to enter the house of their king , but may do so by baring their left shoulder , and having the king touch it .
3 The position of the stick in steady flight is a very clear indication of the angle of attack , and having the stick back near the rearmost stop should warn the pilot that he is close to the stalling angle for the wing .
4 The Persons who inhabit the Cottages are chiefly poor Labouring People , who are induced to seek Habitations in the Forest for the Advantages of living Rent free , and having the Benefit of Pasturage for a Cow or a few Sheep , and of keeping Pigs in the Woods ; but many Encroachments have been made by People of Substance .
5 The use of the Bosch injector pump and having the head drilled for heater plugs is as good as this engine is going to be and , as such is a reasonable conversion , in relation to the cost .
6 I do n't want them to suffer the fate of appearing in an auction catalogue and having the state of their fur criticised .
7 In the press , in the House of Commons , in reports to government departments and in popular folklore there emerged the evacuee stereotype — a dirty , lice-ridden and foul-mouthed urchin who wet the bed with monotonous regularity , preferred fish and chips to a proper three-course meal and was about as domesticated as a wildcat ; similarly , the evacuee mother appeared as a negligent slut , impossible to live with and having the vocabulary of a Billingsgate fish porter .
8 I very much enjoyed meeting Mr Evans and yourself last week and having the opportunity to discuss your business intentions as well as some of the details of your first targeted acquisition .
9 At that stage , Duxford was undeveloped as a warbird centre and having the Corsair based there was an additional attraction for the Imperial War Museum .
10 Although the legend refers mainly to the late-lamented Glasgow Empire , actors have long and highly trained memories , and having the theatre demolished in the middle of Act Three is not an experience that the Brotherhood of Thespians is liable to forget in a hurry .
11 Having regard to the requirements of the county as a whole , he wrote , and having the advantage of consultation with members of the Ministry of Health , he had decided to recommend the addition of two wings each of three storeys , providing a further 81 beds and a two-bedded ward to be added to a small existing building .
12 My father meanwhile was taking the tickets and having the luggage labelled .
13 Over the years , I have seen so many private gardens and advised so many gardeners on labour-saving tools and equipment , and what comes through loud and clear is that the biggest problem facing gardeners is that they are caught in the trap between growing all they would like to grow , doing all they want to do and having the lime to do it .
14 Voight came off the better of the two , because Fearless Frank ( originally called Frank 's Greatest Adventure ) was the more interesting in being Phil Kaufman 's debut as director , and having the author Nelson ( The Man with the Golden Arm ) Algren playing a gangster called Needles .
15 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
16 Only in Orkney did this response receive a low rating which could be attributed to most of the people interviewed having been brought up on a farm and having the confidence that usually goes hand in hand with experience .
17 Red lentil dhal is a popular side dish for Indian meals , being rather bland and having the effect of cooling the heat of the curry .
18 Now , I 'm all for the members of the Great British Public knowing a great deal more about the nostrums they consume , and having the information needed to help them share in deciding which are worth having and when , and which are best left to the birds .
19 ‘ Blue-blooded enough to take an active part in ruling the Venetian empire and having the family name inscribed in the Book of Gold .
20 Responsibilities here include : encouraging contact between the school and its community ; receiving reports from the headteacher and education authority ; and having the right to raise any matter for consideration by the headteacher or education authority .
21 But most men of her acquaintance were in uniform now , and having the time of their lives , she should n't wonder , with girls young enough to be their own daughters .
22 ‘ I was glad to hear that the children are well and happy — and having the time of their lives down here in Devon .
23 The early starts were a disadvantage , but Charles had minimized that by staying with Miles and Juliet and having the car pick him up at six .
24 In contrast to the idea of a comprehensive and static defence shield , Brilliant Pebbles envisaged the deployment in space of multitudes of robot vehicles equipped with sensory systems and having the preparedness to launch laser attacks at on-coming Soviet missiles .
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