Example sentences of "and because [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 And because they did not consider themselves sinners therefore in their own understanding they were not lost .
2 In a poignant soliloquy , watching smoke curl into the sky like an ethereal question mark , he exclaims , ‘ Ah , human beings — they tremble and worry like a leaf in the storm because they know and because they do n't know . ’
3 They stay with the paving stones and the plumbing because they understand them , and because they do n't constitute a challenge to anybody .
4 The crop must be cut before it is dead ripe to avoid shedding of grain , and because it does not stand in the sheaf to harden , it usually requires artificial drying .
5 Mud is today rejected because of the inegalitarian social plan of most developing nations and because it does not allow housing professionals any control over the housing process , and indeed would make them largely irrelevant .
6 This is a purely inductive method , tempting both for its simplicity and because it does without unobservables .
7 What it most certainly is not , is ownership by national or local public authority : and because it does not look to the Government as its banker and so imposes no liability on the public sector borrowing requirement , it provides no levers for a hypothetical State economic planning agency to handle .
8 The first example describes , and because it does not comment , appears to legitimise the hierarchical organisation of labour in offices , with the majority of workers on lower pay than the minority .
9 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
10 Bush rejected the campaign finance bill , the first such measure to have been approved by Congress in more than a decade of partisan dispute over the issue , on the grounds that it offered public subsidies to House and Senate candidates and because it did not eliminate donations from political action committees ( PACs ) .
11 It claims Michael Heseltine wrote two letters to SFV saying he 'd read the company 's brochure and because it did n't run package holidays there was no need for insurance .
12 I do n't respect O'Connor because she suggests that decent working people just give up everything , and because she does n't genuinely make the best of the power she HAS got .
13 She took on a black lad and because she did that she was ostracised from the rest of the community .
14 ‘ They asked about Joanna , and because I did n't know what was going on I said she had been due at the Leisure Centre at 7pm to take her class .
15 Because I was desperate to save Kirsty — and because I did n't realise what type of woman Janice was .
16 And because I do n't want you living in the same house as someone who might be a murderer .
17 ‘ I like to eat a lot and because I do , I like to eat the right things .
18 But perhaps I give that impression because I have strong views on certain subjects and because I do n't go in for the social whirl , for fast cars and fast women . ’
19 Roland thought they ought to look for somewhere else , but held back from proposing it , because he was not the breadwinner , and because he did n't want to do anything so decisive , in terms of himself and Val .
20 But he desired the little glass key , because he was a craftsman , and could see that it had taken masterly skill to blow all these delicate wards and barrel , and because he did not have any idea about what it was or might do , and curiosity is a great power in men 's lives .
21 graces could be an embarrassment , for he had no polite small-talk and did not pretend to any ; his visits to Windsor were an ordeal for guest and hosts alike , to him because he disliked formality and to his hosts because he was so difficult to entertain and because he did not mince words with the King .
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