Example sentences of "and this [noun sg] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One can only speculate what would have happened had this not been done but I seriously doubt if we would be meeting here today had not the capital infusion been made in 1990 and this plan put into place and well executed .
2 Nobody knew how much they burrowed into one 's past , and this ignorance coupled with a fear of being rejected by the Legion was enough to make most people tell the truth .
3 And this spirit brought with it a suggestion rather than the clear outline and colour of the mayblossom dress .
4 and this land made of milk and honey ,
5 She welcomes discomfort , counts hostile situations and relishes third world countries , for she is driven by her life long ambition to be a travel photographer and this trip marked the first rung on the ladder .
6 She welcomes discomfort , counts hostile situations and relishes third world countries , for she is drive by her life long ambition to be a travel photographer and this trip marked the first rung on the ladder .
7 She and this animal treated each other with mutual contempt , like an old unhappily married couple , and I always thought that the only reason he did n't bite her or she have him put down was that they disliked the rest of the world even more than each other and would have been even more miserable and lonely than they were in their trap of hostility .
8 Here there was complete inhibition of growth , and this inhibition extended for a distance of about 1 cm. beyond the limits of the mucus .
9 Immacolata said it glowed prettily , the light was flattering , and this recollection passed across his mind at the same time as he registered the woman 's contorted face , her blotched cheeks and veined eyes , and began to hear what she was saying :
10 The UN University commissioned modelling work on the interaction between food and energy , and this work based on the SARUM global model was completed in 1984 .
11 Oh well as I er , as I was saying about th this aunt that stayed with me , er she once er saw a , well I do n't know whether she actually seen it or not , but she 'd seen the results of it , of a tinker 's divorce , and this man killed this horse and threw his wife on top of it and that was him divorced .
12 He has now completed the marathon three times and this year achieved his best time of 3 hours 39 minutes , coming 8,348th out of 27,000 runners .
13 And this bloke called Haigh that sent his clothes in to the model-maker so 's they would n't have the trouble of faking them .
14 King George V was an avid stamp collector and this album donated by Stanley Gibbons contains facsimiles of both English and Colonial stamps .
15 I did n't know at that time what the content of the exhibition was because Sarah who organised it all had to write to lots of people and arrange the loans and you know it is fairly recently that we discovered for example the tate would lend , their pictures because its very rare that they do , erm , and , so we thought the next best thing , when I discovered the change of dates would be to have slides of the pictures that Sue was using , but erm oh dear then wonderful that Sue was using a another book and this term allocated and I was n't able to get the slides she picked , it was my fault that they 're not on slide due to the amount of time that we had to do this .
16 We had to write up the parrot sketch in English and this French translated in French for us .
17 But he was recaptured yet again and this time transferred to Colditz , which he found a fascinating meeting place of a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities .
18 After several more months as a prisoner of war , he escaped again and this time succeeded in making his way to England in a small boat .
19 Again , in the late 1950s , the Soviet Union found itself with a surplus of oil , and this time succeeded in negotiating agreements with Uruguay and Argentina in 1958 , and with Brazil in 1959 .
20 Having been frustrated in her 1988 cruise to Scandinavia , Islander headed north-east once more last summer and this time succeeded in passing through the Limfjord , sailing down the Kattegat and up into the Baltic as far as Stockholm before retracing her steps to visit Copenhagen for the second time on this voyage .
21 The woman confirmed she would be pleased to help and this time looked as though she meant what she said .
22 He reached up for the handle , grasped it , tried to turn it once , failed , tried again and this time dropped face down over the threshold as the door swung open .
23 Glasser thunders on : ‘ Both Lilian and Mary invested too much emotional capital in their opposition to father , whose influence naturally remained dominant , try as they might to escape ; and this imbalance distorted their view of relationships and of the world . ’
24 At this stage the Left in politics was clearly interested in the development of alternatives to the asylums and this interest fed into the caucus policy-making .
25 The incidence in the 1960s , however , might have been underestimated as endoscopic biopsy was not available and this study required histological verification rather than a radiological diagnosis .
26 Exports worth up to £0.5m. a year in the late seventeenth century were taken from India to England , often for re-export to the rest of the world , and this trade determined the flow of dividends .
27 These men could at least enter imaginatively into the spirit of a male institution such as the manyatta : there was something familiar about it all , even if they were not quite sure what , and this familiarity contributed to the ease they felt in the company of the Masai .
28 One way would be to have a chemical whose concentration was fixed at one end of the line , and this concentration decreased as one moved down the line .
29 Unfortunately , the Society would not accept boys below a certain minimum height , and this minimum varied over time .
30 And this party looked as if it could go on for hours yet !
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