Example sentences of "and are [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
2 There are many other instances of Ashton 's witty beaten touches that may only become apparent after several viewings and are to be found in Birthday Offering , Sylvia , La Fille Mal Gardée and elsewhere .
3 The amounts are variable and are to be debited annually .
4 The company 's coffee shops have been identified as being one of the main causes for the poor performance and are to be sold .
5 This means in practical terms that friends and club are OK , and are to be believed , while ‘ outsiders ’ of all kinds are not , nor are they worth contacting to check information .
6 The money to set up these trusts is to be supplied by industry , and the schools are to be founded for the most part in inner cities , and are to be technological in character .
7 Offshore winds are dangerous and are to be avoided at all costs .
8 Collectors of the Lyttons , father and son , have an inexpensive line of country and are to be congratulated if they can distinguish infallibly between the two without recourse to their reference books .
9 It is argued that cultural discontinuities between homes and schools do exist , are inevitable and are to be celebrated .
10 On the basis of his behaviour , therefore , we have reason to maintain that Fido believes that bones are related to his desires or preferences in the following way : Bones satisfy certain desires he has and are to be chosen to satisfy those desires .
11 The side uprights have joints going through the seat and are to be wedged later .
12 — As Israel 's freedom has been purchased by the death of the firstborn of Egypt , the nation 's firstborn belong in a special sense to God and are to be " bought back " from him .
13 ( vi ) The crew made a successful forced landing in a field near the end of the runway and are to be commended for the high degree of professional and airmanship displayed .
14 I consider that they are cases where payments were made to close a transaction and are to be treated as cases of voluntary payments .
15 These are to be inserted in the Schedule of Departmental Cost Allowances published in August 1988 and are to be adjusted by the increase in the cost allowances announced in SHHD/DGM ( 1989 ) 8 which amounts to 10.08% ; further they exclude on-costs , professional fees , equipment costs and land costs ) .
16 Deeper down in the chest , where Tod does n't often burrow , the women get appreciably younger and are to be seen in things like shorts and swimwear .
17 The role of the bus becomes much more important if rail services disappear and are to be replaced by bus services .
18 One reviewer of the Salon des Indépendants of 1912 writes : ‘ Now that the Cubists have grown into a school their works occupy several rooms and are to be seen in several exhibitions ’ , and another : ‘ the Cubists are to be found in force ’ .
19 Special classification schemes are generally devised for a particular purpose and are to be found in the following environments :
20 The statistics include notes on the Soviet assistance to each country and are to be published by Oxford University Press .
21 The basis of that conception must be that citizenship begins at twenty-one ; that up to that age all boys and girls are wards of the State and are to be regarded as in a state of tutelage ; and that during these twenty-one years no effort must be spared to give each one according to his capacities , and limited by no other considerations , the fullest opportunity to develop every innate power .
22 Graduates in Scandinavian Studies have the same range of job opportunities as other Arts graduates , and are to be found in such areas as journalism , industrial and commercial management , tourism , transport planning , the Civil Service , librarianship , accountancy , shipping and banking .
23 If the modules should be included in the package and are to be approved , create a DC to reference them using option 2.1.1 — Create DC .
24 Next to them , are those who , though labouring perhaps equally with the other , have yet some art mingled with their industry , and are to be particularly instructed and taught how to perform their part , and those are called workmen or handicrafts .
25 The measures will take effect from January 1992 and are to be incorporated into the Convention on Marine Pollution ( MARPOL ) .
26 It would seem to follow that awards in England and Wales have been and are to be made by reference to social , economic and industrial conditions there .
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