Example sentences of "and it seem [that] " in BNC.

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1 I looked around , and it seemed that everyone was looking at Kezia .
2 The burden inevitably fell mainly on the mothers and it seemed that their loneliness could at least be lessened if they had a regular opportunity to share their experiences .
3 And it seemed that within three months of going to see her , the bingeing and fasting , and endless weighing myself and despairing at my size , had stopped .
4 I thought of Angela Brickell 's death and of the attacks on Harry and me and it seemed that all three had had one purpose , which was to keep things as they were .
5 Despite the market uncertainties and many other problems there were a number who had made great strides and it seemed that many would succeed .
6 The old Theatre Royal in Dunlop Street soon followed , and it seemed that a new age had been ushered in as the gas light glinted on the crystal chandeliers and the illuminati of Glasgow clustered like moths about a bundle of bunsen-burners .
7 I took 2 days off work before my baby was born , and on the third day my life suddenly changed and it seemed that all of my well laid plans would go to waste .
8 When I joined the NCT , like most members , I did so because I wanted the best antenatal classes possible and it seemed that I would have the chance to meet new mothers and make new friends after the birth too .
9 He did not attempt the removal of the pyjama jacket , but suddenly stood up and began to pull the red trousers down and get them off ; and it seemed that Patrick , shifting very slightly , assisted the operation , his eyes now moving in awareness of what Marcus was doing .
10 The SAVE office was flooded with inquiries and orders , and it seemed that every village post office wanted to stock it .
11 Just as Frederick was gaining increasing power in Italy , and it seemed that the Holy See would become isolated from general support , Lucius died in November of 1185 and the new Pope Urban III , was one of Barbarossa 's fiercest opponents .
12 Knee and hip joints were creaking and it seemed that the prophecy made by doctors forty years before , that one day my legs and hips — the war left me with a short , stiff left leg — would really begin to seize up , was about to come true .
13 Suddenly , sleazy accounts of the murders appeared in book form , Manson 's image was plastered on the covers of such respected magazines as Life and Rolling Stone , Manson T-shirts , bumper stickers and recordings of his songs were available everywhere , and it seemed that the bizarre element of the Family 's life and crimes had captured the imagination of both freaks and straight society .
14 They were turned down by the Minister of Traffic and Waterways , Mrs Maij-Weggen , and it seemed that the idea , which was abandoned .
15 They fought for an hour and it seemed that neither would have the mastery .
16 In 1331 he went to Amiens to do liege homage to Philip for Gascony , and it seemed that he had tacitly abandoned his claim .
17 This now returned and it seemed that her meeting with Tom and Peter had been like a dream from which she was waking up to reality .
18 Robert himself disappeared , and it seemed that Scottish attempts at independence had yet again been humbled .
19 She had known why Mr Evans had sent Hepzibah biscuits ; had known that he wanted her to spy , to keep her eyes open , and it seemed that without meaning to she had been doing just that !
20 The faint gay menace of music , issuing from juke boxes and radios , surrounded her , and it seemed that there was nobody , out of all those hundreds before her gaze , who was not there in the search of amusement — an amusement shallow , elusive , shapeless , all-embracing .
21 Curtains hung pleasantly in the windows , and it seemed that if she turned her head away and back , then the table might reappear where she had sat , where she had served her soup to her mother , sometimes to her mother 's guests .
22 The failure to resolve Germany 's future added to Europe 's economic problems and it seemed that Communists in France and Italy might exploit the consequent social discontent in order to seize power .
23 If there were space travellers on this planet , and it seemed that there were , their forward flight through the wastes took on a more logical purpose than the pursuance of a prophecy from a discod sleeve .
24 But outside the house on this Sunday morning the usual gossip was forgotten , for Max Klein 's new motor-car was parked at the Rabbi 's front door and it seemed that half the community had gathered to wonder at it .
25 One person spent illicit hours at Saatchi 's designing our logo ; WTN allowed a lot of things to go through the system — printing , photocopying , artwork ; Gina got the entire staff of her office converted to the cause within weeks and it seemed that everyone else had done the same : soon members ' colleagues , friends and relatives were all helping out .
26 The smaller man was retreating and it seemed that his guard was weakening .
27 All the villagers had an increasing tendency to address Lydia , if they had to address her at all , in the third person through the medium of Betty and it seemed that Elizabeth too had caught the habit .
28 I have a twin brother and it seemed that he was allowed to do all the things I was n't .
29 And it seemed that Mr Heathcliff hardly ever received guests .
30 As her father had so often complained , to engage with this task was to enter a labyrinth , and it seemed that whichever way she turned she came to this impasse .
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