Example sentences of "and it [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 This is a budget Chairman that builds on the achievements of the last four years , the care for our schools and it takes into account that the future will not be as rosy as we would like and allows for contingencies .
2 Caroline Lamb says her version is ‘ wonderful … it has a rigid handle so you can take it out over your arm and still carry other things , and it converts into a rocking chair indoors . ’
3 This made it a no-go area for the Hong Kong police and it developed into a warren of opium dens and criminal hideouts .
4 Old Betsy blew on the crinkled taper and it burst into flame .
5 Half a dozen beams of concentrated laser light converged on it , and it burst into fragments .
6 A spokesman for West Mercia police said : ‘ Mr Haigh 's car flew into the air with the impact and it burst into flames when it hit the ground .
7 It was replaced instead by a restrained , disciplined formality that seems foreign to the Minoan spirit , but it was nevertheless hieratic , powerful and rich , and it continued into the post-Temple period ( Late Minoan IIIA , dating to 1400–1300 BC ) .
8 The struggle between the Greek and the native Slav influences within the Byzantine Church goes back to the time of Cyril and Methodius , and it continued into the nineteenth century in both the Serbian and Bulgarian churches .
9 He 's got and it turns into one of those little you know turtles kids like .
10 ‘ They detonated an explosive device next to one , and it disintegrated into so many pieces they could n't find them all .
11 He kicked one , and it disintegrated into a white powder .
12 And Hardy 's were probably the best known fishing tackle shop in the world and it got into the hands of one of the Hardy 's brothers and he said , ‘ May we market it under your name ? ’ and I said , ‘ My God , I 'd rather have that than a knighthood ’ — this was some years ago — and then Hardy 's were rationalized , which means of course that everything costs twice as much and there was n't as much in the shop .
13 The Reformation left the jurisdiction untouched ; and it lasted into the middle of the nineteenth century .
14 Jasper neatly took the packet from her and it disappeared into the heart pocket of his bomber jacket .
15 Er snooker ball if you like , whacks into them , a neutron hits them and scatter them , and it forms into two big clumps , the new elements , two new elements and three odd snooker balls come flying out .
16 And it goes into dust .
17 And it goes into the computer .
18 So it 's all about sharing things out and it gets into this sort of fractions when we get when there 's not enough to go round and we have to start cutting things up cutting the pizza up .
19 And it gets into his writing .
20 I caught the five thirty train from Manningtree and it gets into London at ten to seven .
21 They just put it on you see with a brush and it was a paste you see , all over the coach , and then they had a hose and they washed all that X mover off you see , the X mover was an acid and it ate into the you see , bodywork .
22 ‘ All I remember was a huge bang and it careering into us .
23 I know but you but you see if it came to be something big and serious and it went into the newspaper he would .
24 Gift Aid is a scheme which gives tax relief for ‘ one-off ’ contributions to charity and it came into force on 1st October 1990 .
25 Doors were fitted and it came into use on 7 September .
26 The Section continued in being but declined in importance after the war when many of its members returned to academic life , and it absorbed into the Treasury .
27 You start with one and it splits into two .
28 The gopher tortoise that lives in the southwestern deserts of the United States needs one as a shelter in which to escape the worst of the mid-day heat and it digs into the sun-baked ground with slow ponderous sweeps of its armoured fore-legs .
29 They brought their families , some of them intermarried with time-expired soldiers who chose to settle here , too , and it grew into a real , life-and-death town , where everyone had a stake sunk so deep that when the legions started to leave , the locals still could n't get out .
30 A ripe apple : just a touch and it falls into the hand , round , perfect , fitting just right .
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