Example sentences of "and a high [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A low input results in positive feedback and a higher output frequency .
2 Within the Mass Market Apparel businesses , following on the previous year 's mild winter , sales volumes at J E Morgan Heavyweight remained constant , although sales dollars were higher as a result of new product introductions and a higher price mix .
3 With grave face and totally businesslike voice he began to talk about the beginnings of this place , of the way he had planned and discussed the enterprise , and how he had enabled the local people to be involved all the way through , so that they knew what he was planning , and they did n't feel threatened by him , but collaborated with him , knowing that it meant jobs , roads and plumbing and a higher standard of living for them all .
4 Compared with their less-successful rivals , the best-performing firms had fewer managers , shorter lines of communication and a higher proportion of skilled workers ; they also spent six times more per employee on education and training .
5 It differs from the rest of Newham in that it is less typically an inner-city area and rather more middle class with few tower blocks and a higher proportion of owner-occupied housing .
6 There is a concentration of specialised services and a higher proportion of admissions occur for elective treatments and through A&E than emergency GP referral .
7 Bury St Edmunds , hub of the ancient Liberty of St Edmund , with well in excess of 3,000 inhabitants , had fewer labourers and a higher proportion of middling and richer men than its immediate environs ; but this apart , there was little to chose between town and country , except at the top of the scale , despite a Hawstead knight 's £500 in the latter .
8 In looking at changes in marriage patterns alone , one finds that , generally speaking , people are marrying younger and a higher proportion of women are marrying .
9 These figures are produced by a combination of younger marriages and a higher proportion of women marrying .
10 Overall , adults with cystic fibrosis seem to have difficulty in achieving independence , with only one third married or cohabiting , and a higher proportion than in the general population remain in the parental home .
11 By comparison , the incidence of coagulopathy in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis ranges between 40% and 91% and a higher proportion of these patients develop clinical problems .
12 The specialised histological type is associated with a higher rate of cell turnover as shown by thymidine labelling and a higher proportion of cells in cycle ( by proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunolocalisation ) than junctional and fundic types .
13 Through the music the tragic myth acquires an intense metaphysical significance , whereby } it gives the spectator intimations of a supreme joy and a higher existence to be attained through the annihilation of the individual .
14 Will independence bring more opportunities for adults and mature students , a wider range of vocational courses and a higher staying-on rate or will it mean more competition , cuts in expensive courses and no overall structure to educational provision from 11–19 ?
15 Domesticated grain contains less crude protein than its wild counterpart , and a higher percentage of carbohydrate .
16 Scotland and Wales , and the North , North West , Yorkshire and Humberside , West Midlands , East Midlands and East Anglia regions of England have a lower percentage of their population in classes I , II and III(N) and a higher percentage in III(M) , IV and V than Great Britain as a whole , whereas the South West and especially the South East have a higher percentage in I , II and III(N) and a lower percentage in III(M) , IV and V than the British average .
17 Greater commitment , no doubt ; better technology and a higher level of efficiency in construction , perhaps ; and quite certainly the use of a combination of secrecy and ‘ creative ’ accountancy to maintain the image of technological triumph .
18 Although it is not always possible to match jobs perfectly with aptitude , use should be made of the strength and expertise of senior staff in the jobs to which they are best suited ; their enthusiasm will spread to assistants and a higher level of general motivation will result .
19 Long distance coach travel was deregulated in 1979 and the results of competition were beneficial , in terms of reduced prices and a higher level of service on most routes .
20 The chairman of the London Board , Harry Randall , for example , was convinced of the need for Boards to earn a more ‘ commercial ’ rate of return , and his Board consistently had bigger surpluses and a higher level of self-financing than the others .
21 Given the illustrations , the negative income tax moves the individual equilibrium to 2 , involving a slightly higher income and less work , more leisure and a higher level of utility 11 as opposed to 10 .
22 The flow of information between a lower level and a higher level can be handled in a number of different ways which will have markedly different consequences for the speech recognition task .
23 The demand for money curve shifts from M D to M 1 D and the interest rate Oi 3 and a higher level of money national income result .
24 Notice that the new equilibrium is characterised by a lower rate of interest , Oi 2 , and a higher level of income , OY 2 .
25 Increased production and a higher operating profit are reflected in improved profits before exceptional items after tax .
26 The complete absence of suppression of the corticoadrenal axis by fluticasone propionate was encouraging , however , and a higher dosage schedule should be assessed .
27 There were two voices , a deep slow one , and a higher London whine .
28 London has three times the national percentage of GPs over 65 , twice the proportion of single-handed GPs and a higher incidence of large lists .
29 Low birthweight and a higher incidence of spontaneous abortion , congenital malformations , prematurity , and perinatal mortality , together with poor parenting , have been reported .
30 Up to fourteen months after the event , bereaved persons still showed more depression and a higher incidence of autonomic symptoms ( dizziness , fainting , trembling , nervousness , chest pain , sweating and palpitations ) .
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