Example sentences of "and a [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Miranda Sex Garden support on all dates and a major London show is expected to be announced shortly .
2 Meanwhile the army , despite the FMLN 's truce offer of Sept. 14 , was still engaged in a long push against guerrilla strongholds , and a major FMLN counter-offensive was not ruled out .
3 In other incidents , an RUC superintendent died in a bombing and a major IRA prison escape attempt was foiled in Belfast .
4 Plans for the winter season , 1993–94 , remain to be finalised , but a number of later summer exhibitions are already fixed ; ‘ Robert Louis Stevenson ’ in 1994 ( a centenary event , which will complement a display in the City Art Centre ) ; an exhibition to mark the tercentenary of the Bank of Scotland in 1995 ; and a major Burns exhibition to mark the poet 's bicentenary in 1996 ( this latter being a joint exhibition with the National Museums of Scotland and the National Galleries of Scotland , and housed in the RMS in Chambers Street ) .
5 Top price in the dairy ring of £1,130 was paid for a choice calved Friesian heifer and a calved Ayrshire heifer sold at the second top price of £1,070 .
6 Robert Henderson on the high and lows of a Jose Carreras spectacular and a variable Don Carlos
7 The veteran foreign minister , Hans-Dietrich Genscher , has done nothing to allay this idea , bluntly denying the debt his country owes to the west by declaring , ‘ There is not a capitalist Germany and a communist Germany , there is only one German nation ’ .
8 From the pulled and sagging pockets of his jacket , his Sunday-go-to-meetings suit , his only suit , Dadda produced a cairngorm and silver ring for Lyn and a pearl-handled Stilton knife for Stephen .
9 Over the past month I have lost two female Siamese Fighters , two Neons , a Gourami and a Kuhli Loach .
10 The Dreyfus case produced grave excesses , when Frenchmen were urged to ‘ arroser du sang des Juifs l'arbre de la liberté ’ and a Papal Nuncio reminded a French diplomat that ‘ la religion catholique avait en reserve des indulgences spéciales pour ceux qui , lorsque la bonne cause le réclame , versent le sang des juifs et des paiens ’ .
11 In 1977 I visited Lesotho and worked together with colleagues in the Ministry of Education to recommend a possible strategy for primary school curriculum change in conjunction with the setting up of a Curriculum Development Centre funded by the World Bank and a parallel UNICEF programme to assist in the processes of syllabus and materials production and implementation .
12 After twenty minutes Luke felt his Titanic strength was supporting both Maldita and a buckling Perdita , and ordered the latter to bed .
13 He had a bald spot , under a straggle of brown hair , and a ratty Fu Manchu moustache .
14 I crave the safety of a tabletop and a Bloody Mary rich with pulp .
15 There was a loud clattering and muted conversation as Anushkia Smyslov , Shmuel Zehavi and a morose Cheryl Russell followed them into the room and placed their torches so that the beams played over the domed ceiling , throwing a dim reflected light , like candlelight , back into the room .
16 The former Dr Feelgood and Blockhead , owner of chameleon eyes and a manic Chuck Berry-like duck waddle , now leads a fearsome three piece .
17 The sergeant and a young NAAFI girl were standing waiting for her .
18 We had in addition to this party , — a doctor coming to visit his mother , who lived in Coll ; a young Englishman with a fishing-rod , who had left a medical practice for a few days , to whip the burns of Coll and breathe the fine air ; a minister 's wife ; a retired minister and his wife , both in delicate health ; the fiscal of Tobermory , who had a farm in Tiree ; the Chief Constable and Sheriff Clerk from Mull , who came to investigate a case of suspected cattle poisoning ; and a young Glasgow teacher , who came to be guest of the Fiscal aforementioned .
19 It catered for three Wehrmacht officers , the Danish research engineer and his chief assistant , and a young SS officer who was the Dane 's personal security escort .
20 9½ Weeks depicts the sexual encounters between a sultry , naive New York art dealer ( Kim Basinger ) and a perverse Wall Street whizz-kid ( Mickey Rourke ) .
21 Apart from his weekly show on Kiss FM , he has a regular night at London 's Milk Bar as well as weekend guest spots , and a possible UK tour as part of a package put together by his label , Creation .
22 Political and economic changes as a result of EC farm policy reform and a possible GATT agreement would be unlikely to favour the red meat sector , particular beef and lamb .
23 Instead I consoled myself that Ellen would be pleased , and a pleased Ellen might become my shipmate all the way around the world , so really , I told myself , I was not doing this for the senator 's happiness , and not even for the twins , but for my own , and so I shook the senator 's hand .
24 Before the side-car receded from her along the straight avenue , she observed a gun case ( sometimes Anderson shot the bogs with Dada ) , a rod case , and a bulging Gladstone bag tied together in the space ( called the well ) situated between the opposite wings of the sidecar .
25 Deputy group chief executive , J A Woan attributed its success to careful cost control , strong sales of its Sparcbook notebook computer , and a healthy OEM business .
26 Deputy group chief executive , J A Woan attributed its success to careful cost control , strong sales of its Sparcbook notebook computer , and a healthy OEM business .
27 A high-end Compstation 40 with Solaris and Motif software now costs from $9,000 with 16Mb CPU and 520Mb disk , 19″ colour monitor , a 1.44Mb floppy drive and a single-slot GX accelerator board .
28 There 's a pre-literate Gabriel and a post-literate Gabriel .
29 That may be a tenable position for the Soviet Union , but not for Britain , which has committed itself repeatedly to accepting both self-determination for the German people and a re-united Germany if this is what self- determination leads to .
30 Instead we have to make do with such things as the Philips reissue of a 1982 Shostakovich Eighth , recorded at the wrong pitch ( 6/89 ) , and a five-disc Olympia compilation whose artistic quality is decidedly mixed ( 8/88 ) .
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