Example sentences of "and the [adv] large " in BNC.

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1 The men who scurried past him , and the increasingly large number of attractive young women , were thinking of commodity prices , buying long or short , or a flicker of movement in the money markets that might be a trend or just a flicker .
2 For an industry which , as Frans Andriessen , the External Affairs Commissioner , has pointed out , accounts for only 5% of EC exports compared to the 25% of the population in industrial work and the even larger percentage in financial services , agriculture is absurdly mollycoddled .
3 Across the great divide the hotly coloured landscapes by Evgeni Dybski , from Konsyanza in Romania , and the even larger Fauvist Landscapes by Londonborn Lucy Jones , would seem to have a considerable number of points in common .
4 They took over the wool shop next door to expand their stock and the surprisingly large upstairs restaurant , now spread over both stores , has attracted well-known food critics to this outof-the-way location .
5 And Greg Ackell has the mind , the motor-mouth and the outrageously large ego to become a fine frontman .
6 The appeal of the area lies in the range of shops , restaurants , sandwich bars and wine bars , and the very large and well-patronized pub , The Green Man .
7 Until recently , there were only two questions in physics — the very small ( the sub-nuclear domain ) and the very large ( the Cosmos ) .
8 One is the very general feature that humans possess conceptual and reflexive consciousness ; this , and the very large philosophical problems introduced by those three terms , I shall happily leave on one side .
9 This definition suggests that public law in a broad sense ( not confining ourselves to the law of judicial review ) concerns the activities of governmental bodies , by which we mean the legislature , the departments of central government and the very large number of bodies and agencies which can be described as offshoots of these departments ( these are often called ‘ fringe bodies ’ ) , courts and tribunals , local government , and , perhaps , the police .
10 The combined responsibility , and the very large increases that occurred in both civil and criminal work , co-inciding with the Treasury 's insistence that expenditure from public funds be kept in bounds , led to acrimonious and repeated clashes with the legal profession over fees and rates of remuneration .
11 In the year before reprivatization , over 2500 workers had volunteered for redundancy and the very large Hebburn Yard had been abandoned , despite an occupation by workers of all the Tyne yards .
12 Actions for damages ( as opposed to injunctions ) have not so far figured largely in litigation against individuals caused by industrial action ; the limits to union liability set by the 1982 Act are low in relation to the loss that may be suffered and the very large fines imposed for contempt by disobedience to injunctions have probably been a more powerful sanction .
13 The evidence for grain-milling in small towns is limited but includes the third century building with two millstones in the Kate 's Cabin suburb at Water Newton , the three millstones in the yard of building 16 at Springheads and the very large millstone at Wanborough , which implies the use of water or other mechanical power .
14 At a seminar on Nov. 11 Girma had told Finance Ministry officials that the extremely dark outlook for the Ethiopian economy , and the very large number of unemployed and displaced people facing starvation , made necessary an urgent improvement in tax collection mechanisms .
15 We are ill-equipped to comprehend the very small and the very large ; things whose duration is measured in picoseconds or gigayears ; particles that do n't have position ; forces and fields that we can not see or touch , which we know of only because they affect things that we can see or touch .
16 The most notable features are the " watch spring-like " posture of C. curticei and the very large bursa in all species .
17 The convex , middle part of the thorax contained the musculature that operated the appendages ( which , as usual , are not preserved ) , and the relatively large volume of this region shows that the musculature was powerful .
18 The complex jaw arrangement and the relatively large tentacle pores of O. valenciennesi suggest an affinity with the subfamily Ophiotominae particularly with the genus Ophiopristis .
19 The narrative maximizes Stepan 's vulnerability , perching him on a platform amid the malcontents and troublemakers and the much larger number of those humble , obscure people who are enduring more or less passively the chaos of the fête .
20 The general concept of Kinmount , with its vast Soanic central saloon rising into a tribune gallery and a lantern tower , was reproduced in neo-Tudor form as his ambitious enlargement of Saltoun , East Lothian ( 1817 ) ; without the lantern tower , at his neo-Classical Adderston , Northumberland ( 1819 ) and the much larger Camperdown , Dundee ( 1821–28 ) ; and , at Blairquhan , Ayrshire ( 1820 ) where he retained the lantern tower but began to experiment with asymmetrical planning and to adopt more archaeologically correct Tudor forms , following the example of William Wilkins ' Tregothnan ( 1816 ) and Dalmeny ( 1814 ) .
21 The book is designed to bridge the gap between the very simple and inadequate descriptions of use given with many Homoeopathic remedies and the much larger texts , the depth and complexity of which would put Homoeopathy quite beyond all but the most dedicated of beginners .
22 ‘ Among those interested in ( and the much larger number pontificating on ) the history and philosophy of science , I notice an increasing tendency to attribute changes and advances to a mysterious but almost omnipotent entity called ‘ social-and-economic-factors- . ’
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