Example sentences of "and also [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas previous schemes , such as that of Dewey , presented an enumerated list of subjects in hierarchical layout with appended notation ( e.g. decimal numbers ) to express the system in practice , the Colon Classification distinguishes a range of " facets " in each major subject area , which the classifier combines ( like a set of parts ) to form an extended symbol which both expresses the specific subject and its relationships and also allows for its easy insertion in and retrieval from a store sequence ( e.g. a shelf ) .
2 It is a process that forces line management to consider their operational priorities and also allows for decentralized decision-making .
3 It employs about 1,800 , 1,300 in the UK , and also operates in continental Europe and the Pacific Rim .
4 The test kit is 20 per cent cheaper than the current method of confirming cancer and also saves on staff time .
5 But after a while straight pieces of knitting cease to be satisfying and we progress to shaping , which speeds up the making-up process and also saves on materials .
6 Adnams of Southwold stocks it for £8.45 and also supplies by mail order ( 0502 724222 ) .
7 Sliding the on/off plate back to on triggers the heating element and also shuts off the water inlet , preventing drips .
8 The treponeme , once in the tissues , multiplies locally and also travels to the nearby lymph nodes , where further division and multiplication takes place .
9 On the issue of pre-1935 appeasement of Mussolini over Abyssinia he quotes from L. S. Amery 's ‘ diary ’ , which is referred to in a footnote as My Political Life , vol. 3 ( 1955 ) and also refers to two other accounts of the same events in Viscount Templewood 's Nine Troubled Years , pt. 2 ( 1954 ) , and Sir Anthony Eden 's Facing the Dictators ( 1962 ) .
10 seven two er refers to planning environment er and not to and also refers to a type of actually .
11 Sarah enjoys swimming and badminton and also admits to enjoying school .
12 Disability increases with age , and also varies between those living in different types of household : women living alone and those living with younger married couples are particularly likely to be severely disabled .
13 ‘ Social life within the department is active and friendly and also extends to our client departments with whom we have a long-established and close relationship .
14 Chapter 7 discusses a similar process at work amongst the humanities students , and also points to certain differences between the science and the humanities students .
15 This data enables us to draw clear conclusions concerning the presence of B II conformations within the dodecamer under study and also points to more general rules which influence the probable appearance of such conformations within other sequences .
16 Note however that the assertion unc is certainly one which is meaningful — and also happens to be true !
17 Next week is the last programme from the current batch of Ideas in Action , and also happens to be our hundredth programme .
18 Seven years younger than her husband , Vera is now 65 and also suffers from injuries caused by beatings .
19 ‘ We have escaped change and also calls for change . ’
20 The same procedure should be followed in the case of other searches , the Schedules that may be attached to the official Certificate of Search , and also answers to your preliminary enquiries and requisitions on title made of the seller .
21 To help keep the delicate skin here as youthful as possible this new eye cream acts by ‘ filling in ’ the wrinkles and also penetrates into the epidermis therefore hydrating the skin .
22 Although computed tomography is still the most widely used method of evaluating the head and neck , the superior demonstration of soft tissue planes with MRI enables more accurate delineation of the extent of head and neck tumours and also helps in differentiating between inflammatory and neoplastic conditions .
23 When the private firm is very large , and therefore subject to little domestic competition , and also produces in a sector sheltered from imports and foreign competition , it is quite likely to be a relatively sleepy monopolist unless it has regulators to whom it must account .
24 Adoption is different from novation and also appears to be distinguishable from merely acting as though the contract were binding on the company .
25 The market has grown to include almost all the industries of the region and also exports through the port .
26 He is a cost accountant and also acts as company secretary in respect of share issues , pensions and the like .
27 Each branch has its own indigenous publishing programme and also acts as sales agents for the UK publishers .
28 To solve the clogging problem , Peter Oakes of A1 Garden Aquaria has made the GSM which uses Siporax and also acts as a main biological filter .
29 He has a budget generous enough to allow creative cooking with the likes of caviar , fresh asparagus and smoked salmon at his contract , and also works within an environment that he finds friendly and relatively stress-free .
30 The definition includes simultaneous reception at more than one location , and also distinguishes between programming provided for business purposes and that provided for entertainment .
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