Example sentences of "and about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is a rare opportunity to listen to Tavernier 's ideas about film and about the relationship between European and American cinema , a subject about which he has strong views .
2 She shows how heated controversies about the use of the speculum , which was seem by some medical men as an instrument of rape , about operations that ‘ unsexed ’ and ‘ castrated ’ women , and about the relationship between male doctors and their female patients can be explained more effectively by viewing gynaecology as a ‘ science of woman ’ .
3 A high point in the novel is the altercation and huff with Gavin and his mates which precedes this : about the long holidays teachers get , or do n't get , about the homework they withhold , and about the rights of weans — children — and the rights of parents .
4 However , if you are given advance warning , think about the stay and about the meals you will have to provide .
5 But it also represented an important stage in the development of the science of politics , since it relied heavily on positivistic assumptions both about the nature of societal development and about the capacity of human intelligence to achieve objectivity .
6 The sky never seemed to wake up and about the middle of the day it darkened .
7 ‘ I just told them about the bullet damage to the boat and about the chart . ’
8 This was a strongly Catholic area and about the campaign there was now an almost holiday quality .
9 When my doctor saw me and heard how much I was working and about the rest of my life , he was absolutely horrified .
10 During learning , and particularly during the early stages of learning , writers will need to think continuously about their movements and about the response of the pen to those movements .
11 The former dean of the faculty of science at Addis Ababa University , Tewolde B. G. Egziabher , adds that in the book Johanson ‘ makes remarks about Ethiopian politics and culture and about the behaviour of officials in government — bribes and ignorance and so forth .
12 Between the songs you get talk by and about the Beatles .
13 Stupid people have thought such things about Joyce , to be sure , and about the school of Picasso .
14 Like the Chillingham , considered separately below , the Vaynol is a unique population and is a more primitive type than other White Parks , timid by nature and needing very sympathetic handling ; it is angular in appearance with a sloping pelvis and sickle hocks , and about the size of a Kerry .
15 Our argument is therefore that evidence about the changing nature of family life , about the characteristics of present-day parenting , and about the views of clients , points to a clear need to review both the legal/moral framework governing state intervention in the lives of families and the professional practice of those working in child care .
16 At Eton I had read every book I could lay hands on about the Zulus , about Abyssinia and about the rise and fall of the Dervish empire in the Sudan .
17 But , at the same time , there is growing concern about the role of taste in aesthetic choice and about the fate of analytical criticism .
18 In his letter of 30 December , he wrote to me about fixing a day and about the timing of the production of the play .
19 He had already made some notes about the battle , and about the Gruagach besieging Tara — ;
20 After that they ignored the war and its grisly aftermath and talked about nothing very important : new books , the latest films that had been shown in London since Julia had left and about the BBC 's new Third Programme .
21 She told them about the disturbed girl at St Cecilia 's , the girl called Julie who performed feats of levitation , and about the girl who could read a page of a newspaper and remember it , and Enid who could hypnotize with a fountain-pen top .
22 Having worked with young people at school , on the streets and in prison one has been consistently struck by their thirst for clear information on and about the Church and her teachings .
23 Within these arguments disputes occur about the significance of expertise and about the scope for effective limitation of discretionary power .
24 They talked for a while about London and about the alterations which Topaz was making at Stone Towers .
25 He worried about the spare ammunition , about the ability of the men to hear orders in battle , and about the morality of the wives who followed the marching column like a gypsy rabble .
26 It has to be a serious process of thought and research , both about the candidate 's own interests and motivation , and about the type of course and institution which they want to attend .
27 They want to know how school examination results compare , about the level of truancy and about the staying-on rate after 16 .
28 and about the snake that ate itself to death .
29 Ministers clearly recognise there is widespread concern about the outcome of the new assessment process , the wide variations appearing in eligibility criteria , and about the contracts being drawn up with the independent sector .
30 Information about the pregnancy and delivery and about the name and date of birth of the father ( where recorded ) were abstracted from the obstetric notes .
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