Example sentences of "and then it would " in BNC.

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1 If you concentrated you could make them all line up , in 3-D ; and then it would all just collapse and be jiggling spots again .
2 And I 'd wait , and I 'd wait , and then it would say
3 She thought : But tomorrow Jasper and I are going out together , and then it would be a whole evening of this fine racing thrilling excitement .
4 If searching was done with just the basic actions , then R1.1 would only gain its first bit of credit after the fifth search , and then it would gain a mere 1/64th. of a point of credit .
5 In the course of time I would die and then it would all be over .
6 Some of those services used to build up a wonderful feeling , and now and then it would become rather emotional with the preacher calling on folk to come forward to the penitents ' bench at the front to re-dedicate their lives to the Lord .
7 And then it would n't occur to her that after what had happened , he would have the nerve to go under his own steam .
8 And then it would get dark , and , since conditions were much as they were last night , there would be mist over the marshes — it was coming up a little on my walk .
9 And that things would tend to drag on to the last minute and then they would start and then it would it go forward .
10 I should have had MyMa MyMouse in there and then it would have picked up the MyMo MyMouse driver .
11 And then it would have to be an individual dish — the lobster , the remove or the coffee or wine . ’
12 It 's no use my telling you what it is — she might not agree , and then it would only be a waste of time . ’
13 And then it would all be over — this crazy situation which should never have happened in the first place .
14 back-slash put and then press enter , and it lists the sub-directories and you highlight that and press enter and then it would list where the files are in that directory , of course , I have n't got any , we 've just created those directories .
15 That 's fine but sentence six Florence teased Dougal , and did so Brian too does n't sound right but notice that 's exactly what you would get if you could substitute the proform for a subject verb construction and then it would mean Florence teased Brian too .
16 And then it would er at that time you would just have the tank workers and the quarry workers .
17 It would draw the water in but since there was much more more hay on in the inside , than the out , it er er it curved and then it would n't er erm absorb any water at all .
18 For example , if the words prior to dogs/clogs had been raining cats and then it would be fairly safe to say that the intended word was dogs .
19 Weeks would go by and he would leave me alone and then it would happen a lot .
20 Yeah , but would n't that make it possible to take that out , and then it would n't make sense , 'cos it would say , as I missed the train which went in an hour 's time if you put another comma , 'cos if you , if you put two commas you could n't take it out .
21 But he was away a lot , and then it would be up to Janice .
22 I was going to have treatment and then it would be all right .
23 It would take about er it would take about three days like to really give it and then it would have to lie for a wee while to harden you know , the polish to harden .
24 And then it would just be well it would be a horse ca hearse then .
25 And then it would be Then would the mean follow the hearse ?
26 Right to the graveyard and then it would be
27 But then he kept going on about how brilliant your party was gon na be and everything and I 'm sat there thinking let's face it , if I come on between you know , because like , it would have been alright cos I 'd be finished like , today or tomorrow and then it would have been like nice and ready for the party !
28 there 's a big bus somewhere near I 'd drop him and then it would run him over
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