Example sentences of "and time [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of these is the cell cycle itself , other events are regulated in sequence and time independently of the cell cycle ( 2 ) .
2 A chasm has undoubtedly developed , but the sporadic re-emergency of the blasted simulators — they keep crawling up time and time again with bedraggled , sanguine hollers of intent - and the beady eyes cast by all manner of unlikely contenders on pop 's centre stage ( ‘ We see no reason why this band should n't be huge ’ ) — suggests that our new proposition of an overground and underground sticks in the craw .
3 in fiction , the story should be capable of interpretation at a number of different levels , so that children can return to the book time and time again with renewed enjoyment in finding something new ;
4 It is disliked because it is physically an exhausting activity ; more than any of the other tasks it consists of actions which have to be repeated time and time again with little variation .
5 Now , we hear time and time again of the one million capital that was spent and yes and I do hope that the provisions that will now be made through a combined budget which Mr seems to think is half a million but I can assure you it is not half a million however , I do I can further reassure him that by the time the Highfields er and Moat management committee have gone through with this it will be half a million , there will be a proper budget provision as it should have been in the last five to six years .
6 M. B. I am quite candidly of the opinion that I would have left the police out of a feeling of resentment because I was overlooked time and time again for inferior men .
7 In New York , the visitor is drawn time and time again to the Frick Collection , where the opulent yet relaxed setting shows off the objects so much more sympathetically than the Disneyland-style ‘ period rooms ’ across the other side of Fifth Avenue .
8 Adrian Gozzard , formerly Director of Human Resources of Plessey , the telecommunications and electronics giant ( number 93 in The Times 1000 and employer of over 30000 ) , who has had long and extensive experience of search , has turned time and time again to headhunting firms , despite having used a full-time , in-house recruitment manager , and working hard on internal management development .
9 We wrote it down and repeated it time and time again to Sergeant Moustaine , until he was satisfied that even the most stupid of us had understood it .
10 Mr Pascall 's emphasis came back time and time again to the idea of a ‘ framework ’ : ‘ The purpose of the national curriculum , ’ he said , ‘ is to ensure that there is a framework so that we can be confident that every child has the opportunity to read widely , to develop the habit of reading and to develop the love and understanding of literature .
11 No , M' lud , look how the miserable sinner who gives herself time and time again to riotous pleasure is punished in the end .
12 In a book that returns time and time again to the issue of cultural hypocrisy , the most biting satire is saved for those whose three years in Cameroon teach them nothing .
13 Yeah , oh I know I 've said time and time again to them if you park up a bit , you know that house
14 Many offenders had died in the mean time , and the sheriff failed to produce others , so that the sessions were adjourned time and time again during the next few years .
15 Often problems seem intractable because the same solutions are tried time and time again without success , whereas what is needed is a new approach and fresh thinking .
16 This scenario has been repeated time and time again from Stagecoach and High Noon through the fast food diet of the Lone Ranger ( plus Tonto ) and the Range Rider ( plus Dick West — all American boy ) .
17 Like most of my generation , I had never known a war , had never had fear rammed down my throat time and time again like the older generation .
18 Yesterday they were spewed out in the aftermath of the Musgrave Park Hospital outrage but they were the same words which Mr Brooke and his predecessors have used time and time again after other bloody acts of terrorism .
19 Horses kept in isolation , often the fate of colts after weaning , frequently display the inappropriate behaviour and high anxiety which is demonstrated time and time again in laboratory animals reared in impoverished environments with reduced mental and sensory stimulation .
20 The word ‘ community ’ appeared time and time again in discussion with people in Dunrossness .
21 I can never really be sure as to whether Binnian or Slievelamagan is my favourite top , but take endless delight in going back to them time and time again in the hope of solving this important question .
22 We 're gon na hear it time and time again in the run up to the Election .
23 Although Hope was the first sportsman to convey this view , it was replicated time and time again by black footballers , athletes and boxers .
24 On the other hand , there is a general warm acceptance of the monarchy , which has been revealed time and time again by public opinion polls ( e.g. National Opinion Poll , 1986 ; Gallup , 1976 ; see surveys of polls in Harris , 1966 ; Norton , 1984 ; Ziegler , 1978 ) .
25 A subject which is and has been explored time and time again by authors is a vision of the future .
26 I have to be selective , especially these days when margins are being squeezed continually and time away from home is time lost .
27 Direct perception involves travel and time out of the office .
28 Obviously , this process is expensive both in terms of administration and time out of funds , and where large amounts are involved , can cause the down fall of other businesses in the chain .
29 We offer excellent training in all aspects of Transfusion Science and help will be given towards State Registration and/or full professional qualifications with paid course and exam fees and time off for study on day release .
30 I think with regard to er I mean the , the general rule of things with regard to educational er issues and time off for them , erm they tend to be let's say reasonable er about it er but that 's been literally on educational issues .
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