Example sentences of "and could not [be] " in BNC.

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1 He saw many seagulls but not a single bluebird , and could not be persuaded to approach the edge to have his picture taken .
2 Therefore he needed to be in London and could not be in Cuddesdon .
3 Even with the new heating , warmth was hard to get : two years later the chapter struggled to find firewood for the canons since other fuel could not be got ; and a defective boiler in the cathedral was made in Germany and could not be mended .
4 After World War II the Crown in Parliament of the United Kingdom well understood that it could no longer govern the King Emperor 's non-British , any more than his British subjects who were not represented , and could not be represented , in Parliament .
5 He said he had always worked for the benefit of his country and could not be held responsible for how the hard currency he procured was spent by its leaders .
6 He said he had always worked for the benefit of his country and could not be held responsible for how the hard currency he procured was spent by its leaders .
7 Their use of subterfuge can be justified only to obtain material which ought to be published in the public interest and could not be obtained by other means .
8 Mr Fowler added that in the Government 's even-handed approach to employment , people would have the right to belong to a union and could not be excluded from a job on the grounds that they were trade unionists .
9 But by way of indicating that they were not , and could not be , the final truth , he appended a series of objections to his lecture course .
10 And the more he succumbed to the allure of his own Führer cult and came to believe in his own myth , the more his judgement became impaired by faith in his own infallibility , losing his grip on what could and could not be achieved solely through the strength of his ‘ will ’ .
11 If Zuwaya disliked policemen as a category , and took pride in not being related to any , that was in part because in the past ordinary people got their main experience of corruption and venality in the first instance from the police , and that reputation stuck ; and partly also because they recognized that policemen had divided loyalties and could not be trusted to be loyal exclusively to their kinsmen .
12 Samaranch was in Russia on Olympic business yesterday and could not be reached to rebut the allegations in person .
13 The girl had darted into a dark stretch of the corridor , and could not be found easily .
14 Less than a month later , at the beginning of March 1757 , Miller wrote a letter , now held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania , reporting that promised specimens of Crataegus had not arrived and could not be included in the current edition of the Dictionary ; he repeated his request for Gale asplenii-folio and for all sorts of lilies and Andromeda .
15 They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils and beans and yogurt ; they drank a little beer , making it spin out ; they shared book-buying ; they were both entirely confined to their grants , which did not go far in London , and could not be supplemented with holiday earnings , for these had vanished with the oil crisis .
16 Conditions looked perfect and could not be faulted .
17 It was noted in the 1296 list that Plebs Varren was of no value and could not be assessed .
18 Hall told the meeting that these matters had been settled by Parliament and could not be altered .
19 Before 1 a.m. , he was noted missing from his beat and could not be found .
20 My father had recruited three young gypsies who had not been and could not be called up for the Navy .
21 Not quite as bad as I have seen on our modern commuter stations , but we were jam packed and could not be parted from our scant luggage .
22 Remarks were made by the local rivals , not about dancing standards as the Mites were inevitably highly experienced and could not be faulted , but more was made of their apparent roughness :
23 Charles Tennant ( 1768–1838 ) was the sixth son of old John Tennant and could not be employed on Glenconner Farm .
24 While they were alone and could not be overheard by those inside the house , she once more broached the subject of his mother 's continued presence at the Manor .
25 The remaining fighters , which were down for maintenance and could not be made airworthy in time , were wrecked when a hangar door blew down on top of them .
26 If the animal proved to be a ‘ beast of spirit ’ and could not be ‘ brigged ’ its life was spared , but if it was a ‘ bad bull ’ and could be ‘ brigged ’ by midday then the bullards held themselves entitled to another bull at Christmas .
27 Palace have won just once in the Premier League all season and could not be in worse shape to face Liverpool tonight in the Coca-Cola Cup as they attempt to exorcise the haunting memory of their 9-0 Anfield thrashing in 1989 .
28 The cost was exclusively for the benefit of the business and could not be carried forward in the accounts as an asset after the lease expired .
29 The introduction of summary financial statements ensured that building society members did not have to cope with extensive , detailed financial information that they did not want and could not be expected to understand .
30 The Amnesty International report embarrassed the government more on the mainland and abroad than in Ulster and could not be completely ignored .
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