Example sentences of "and when [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rainforest soils are usually very poor and when exposed to the harsh sun and heavy tropical rains , their fertility is soon washed away .
2 They also argue that the waste of resources associated with the ex post coordination of supply and demand through markets is as nothing when set against the loss of production associated with the weak incentives of a planned economy and when compared to the inefficiency , bungling and corruption of every economic planning bureaucracy yet devised .
3 Now there are terms [ Baldwin continued ] that your leader would have to accept , and when sent for by the King would have to say : ‘ Sire , these names are not necessarily my choice , but they have the support of Lord Rothermere . ’
4 The Professional offers Decca LOP 's and when connected to GPS , lat/long-LOP conversion .
5 The pens come in a wide range of colours and when tested on the Knitleader sheet the markings were clear and washed off easily with some damp kitchen roll .
6 On paper , though , and when played on the piano , it can sometimes seem awkward .
7 For this reason , in gliders it is important to avoid watching the instruments during nose-down pitching manoeuvres such as stall recoveries and when recovering into normal flight following a cable break during a steep winch launch .
8 But to the bulk of the party , Law s presence in government was a guarantee of the party 's independence ; with Law in charge the party would extract from coalition whatever there was to be gained , but at no risk , and when stripped of all complications this was more or less what Bonar Law intended all along .
9 They are therefore of particular importance during a missed approach and when flying in turbulence .
10 These exercise their antimicrobial powers against a wide variety of different bacteria and when given for , say , a sore throat , will also kill off many of the normal commensal organisms in the intestine ( which is why a lot of people develop diarrhoea when taking antibiotics ) , and will also destroy the normal bacterial flora in the vagina .
11 Salmeterol , a new long acting β 2 agonist , produces bronchodilatation for at least 12 hours in patients with asthma and when given in doses of 50 µg twice daily provides more effective control of asthma symptoms than salbutamol 200 µg four times daily .
12 The young feathery , blue/green foliage glistens after rain and when covered with morning dew .
13 Remains of older persons present more of a problem , and when dealing with earlier populations , it is difficult to be sure that significant age-changes took place at the same time , and that they showed the same group variability , as in modem populations .
14 It can also be relevant throughout employment and when dealing with dismissal of employees .
15 Recognition ( not understanding ) is the objective ; and when applied to a limited domain , only a subset of the language may be necessary .
16 In one Douglas Fairbanks tells a woman to follow him and when faced with her persistent refusal , arguing as she does that she can not abandon her home , he tethers his horses to the latter and carts the whole house off in a burst of white-toothed laughter .
17 They were well-broken and when grazing in the fields , came to a call , taking no catching .
18 A small machine code programme was tucked away in the computer and when called upon would produce the necessary signals to drive the servos via the ‘ user port ’ and an interface box .
19 Differences here clearly warrant further investigation , and when revealed to the participating teams provoked considerable discussion .
20 The colours of the hood merge from black to brown to beige , and when framed against the sunlight it appears almost translucent .
21 Defeat left Martina tearful , pale and drained and when asked about her future she said :
22 I saw Macca interviewed on Grandstand and when asked about it , he said with a smile that he broke his wrist in a ‘ freak accident ’ , but would n't say anything more .
23 Tonks also attended Saturday 's game and when asked about the situation , he smiled confidently and said : ‘ We are hoping to announce something early in the week . ’
24 Fielding , Amis once remarked , showed that fiction can uphold a moral seriousness ‘ without evangelical puffing and blowing ’ ; his Take a Girl Like You ( 1960 ) has been aptly called a modernised replay of Richardson 's Pamela ; and when asked by a journalist which of the great novelists of the past he felt the closest affinity with , he replied reverently : ‘ With Fielding , though it seems a gross impertinence … ’ .
25 It would be present in the brains of the trained — and shocked — animals in higher concentration than in the naïves — and when injected into mice would in its turn produce freezing behaviour .
26 This includes giving instructions to the language helper and when communicating with any fellow students .
27 The parties produce manifestos and when elected in a majority seek to implement their policies .
28 Once or twice Carolan himself had hinted at the moral justification of force to secure the people 's just demands , but he was careful to remain within the law , and when challenged in Parliament would observe loftily that he spoke philosophically , and that he could trust the good sense of the English people to interpret his views correctly .
29 He removed them when he first came since they would not shut because , as old Mr Abbott the gardener explained , ‘ not once but twice Mr Betjeman reversed out of the garage without opening the doors , and when charged with stupidity , made the excuse that on both occasions he was wearing a sou'wester . ’
30 In the 1980s older workers experienced great insecurity both in terms of holding on to their jobs and when searching for new work if unemployed .
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