Example sentences of "and can not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Conversely , the ethically proper allocation of funds to health , as compared to education or defence , is quintessentially an issue for political debate , and can not properly be left for individuals in the trenches to fight over , when they have no knowledge or view of the larger issues .
2 English poststructuralists , when wearing their Marxist hats , would undoubtedly want to insist that ideas belong in larger contexts , social , cultural , and political , and can not easily be abstracted and appropriated to other ends .
3 To its detriment , the traditional easel always holds the canvas at a slight backward tilt and can not easily paintings above or below a certain size .
4 To its detriment , the traditional easel always holds the canvas at a slight backward tilt and can not easily paintings above or below a certain size .
5 Teacher development has to build on those constructs which exist , and can not easily be promoted in any other way .
6 A further major problem associated with the use of the network variable is that it is most readily operationalized to study speakers whose networks are of a relatively closeknit type and can not easily handle socially and geographically mobile speakers whose personal network ties are not predominantly dense or multiplex ; yet , such persons make up a substantial proportion of the population in a post-industrial society .
7 Nevertheless , the differences in prevalence of p53 mutation and 17p and 18q deletions between premalignant adenomas and adenocarcinomas is striking , and can not easily be dismissed .
8 What is more , much of government expenditure is committed a long time in advance and can not easily be cut .
9 Er the other half of the factors really do depend on detailed site conditions , and can not easily form part of a strategic assessment .
10 The egg is distinctly oval , with a smooth shell ( Fig. 54 ) , and can not easily be distinguished from that of the other common poultry ascaridoid .
11 This , I fear , does involve specialist attention , and can not normally be attempted by the average DIY man .
12 The justification can imply an awareness of how the meaning of attitudinal positions depends upon the wider context of controversy , and can not just be understood in terms of the individual 's uttered attitudinal statements .
13 He says he agrees with Mr Tebbit that many of the evil deeds of recent years which have seen child murders and terrorism of a particularly disgusting type , can not be answered by ‘ mere questions of policing , penal treatment or sentencing policy and can not either be justified or explained by talking of urban deprivation and unemployment . ’
14 It means that women buy the whole package and can not either understand or cope when their partner 's emotional limitations emerge .
15 We have seen that any such claim about the distribution of wealth could not have been and can not today be legitimately sustained .
16 Some weeks after accepting delivery and paying for the computer , it is found that , although the computer works well in every other respect , it is not compatible with the company 's other machines and can not reasonably be made so .
17 His goodwill with those customers belonged to him and can not reasonably be taken from him by a covenant of this kind .
18 What is not and can not yet be clear , is whether this forecasted process will actually occur for the vast majority of Wirral users or whether a large endemic user population will remain in place for the foreseeable future .
19 The actual machine is replaceable , as are the programs which run on it — but your data is unique and can not simply be replaced by the local computer shop .
20 Since these ‘ facts ’ belong to the group as a whole and since the latter is more than the sum of its parts , they have a transcendent reality of their own and can not simply be reduced to the individuals in whose conduct they manifest themselves .
21 Any such development depends crucially on popular initiatives and can not simply be legislated ( there are , however , important ways in which a socialist government could help to foster enterprise democracy , by making changes in company law , e. g. turning shareholders into mere bond-holders , granting the right to set up democratic mechanisms where this was approved by the workforce , and by means of preferential funding for democratic enterprises and ‘ workers ’ plans ' ) .
22 The newspaper articles supporting Barts are drawn from the experiences of our patients or their relatives and can not simply be ignored .
23 The bloodied torso of what had been Balor lay twitching on the ground , moving clumsily , trying to pull itself along the ground , like a monstrous beetle which has been turned on its shelly back and can not right itself .
24 Or perhaps the Poet and Friend are separated by unbridgeable gaps of sex and social position , and can not ever form a unit .
25 Ecgberht may have received wide support in Kent and can not necessarily be regarded as wholly dependent on Offa for his kingship .
26 The teacher does not need to know exactly what will happen and can not usefully plan a story line very far ahead , but should give a great deal of thought to the organisation of the lesson : How will groups be divided ?
27 The researchers are particularly concerned at the impact on the food industry which currently exports a high proportion of its output to South East England and can not possibly compete with the substantially improved delivery times open to French competitors once the Tunnel is opened .
28 Then , singers like to introduce their own free interpretations and can not possibly coincide with the more precise playing of orchestral instrumentalists or pianists .
29 He has little knowledge of a shepherd 's life since he writes his idyllic poem from the town , as a wealthy poet , and can not possibly see the reality as one would have it from experienced eyes .
30 So that will , corroborating dimension of psychoanalysis , what the patient does for himself and can not possibly count , and as you rightly say , this leaves analytic biography erm , in a , in a kind of limbo .
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