Example sentences of "and can [not/n't] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This is something for which surveys , including that of Greeley and Rossi , are not and can not be intended .
2 The cash value of scientific observations in this context must therefore be based upon subjective experience and can not be greater than the cash value of the latter ; for it is subjective experience that , ultimately , validates our objective scales of energy intensity .
3 Presently-available RDS radios can not be used for TMC , and can not be adapted .
4 But perhaps the moral we should draw is that criticism is not , and can not be , such a discipline ( though literary history is , or may be ) .
5 Mr Kaufman called in his support the view of Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the German foreign minister , who he said had told the review group in Bonn that ‘ agreements are better than unilateral moves because they can be verified and can not be reversed ’ .
6 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
7 For Fanon this means that , despite Europe 's crimes , which will not and can not be forgotten , the Third World 's ‘ new history of Man ’ must ‘ have regard to the sometimes prodigious theses which Europe has put forward ’ since ‘ all the elements of a solution to the great problems of humanity have , at different times , existed in European thought ’ ( Wretched of the Earth , 253 — 4 ) .
8 The main good grains on which we depend for an essential part of our daily diet come from plants belonging to the family of grasses and can not be readily digested until the tough outer shells are broken up and , sometimes , removed .
9 Put strong bolts at the top and bottom of all outside doors , the Mortice Security bolt is one of the best type available and can not be opened from the outside of the door .
10 The new principle was a good one , because it forced the government to live in a world where inflation matters and can not be conveniently assumed away .
11 These map programs take a fair bit of work , and can not be drawn up on the launching ship ; the sailors load a ready-made map into the missile , and tell it how to get to the initial way-point .
12 According to the Aristotelian picture , scientia , or knowledge proper , is knowledge of what is necessary and can not be otherwise .
13 To have such ‘ scientific knowledge ’ of , say , the facts that man is the only animal with a sense of humour , that gold dissolves in aqua regia , or that triangles have angles equal to two right angles , is to know that these things must be so and can not be otherwise .
14 Just as , for the Aristotelians , knowledge or scientia has to do with necessities , with what must be so and can not be otherwise , so , for Locke , ‘ knowledge ’ is universal and certain .
15 Reason is more certain than revelation , and can not be made any more certain by it .
16 The radioactive potassium has a very long half-life ( 1250 million years ) so that the amount lost is extremely small relative to the total amount of potassium present and can not be measured .
17 The contrast is striking , and can not be dismissed as irrelevant to the social and other problems that we confront in the last decade of our century .
18 She should not and can not be sexually active in her natal family and hence is regarded while she is there as both benign and pure .
19 Its two halves are asymmetric and can not be folded to be superimposed without first turning one of them over .
20 Never before have I heard a would-be Prime Minister show such a crass insensitivity as to what can and can not be done , with propriety , in this particular free society .
21 Political as it was , it was made by Queen in Council and can not be overturned by a mere change of government .
22 Experts explain that exercise can not cause heart disease or a tendency to accumulate cholesterol , both of which are genetically determined characteristics and can not be ‘ brought on ’ by external factors .
23 Thus , a simple linear record of his life and rule is impossible and can not be pinned down as a simplistic historical account .
24 Should anyone be refused admission to the flight or to the destination country by the airline or government authority then we are powerless to assist and can not be held responsible .
25 The selectivity and control of conscious attention remains poorly understood ; very clearly it is not at all coextensive with information processing for much of this is never observed and can not be summoned up for examination .
26 The field of economic policy is very wide and can not be reduced to budgetary policy .
27 The crankshafts are different depending on the type of rear oil seal ( rope type or rubber lip seal ) and can not be swapped without machining.
28 80 inch steering boxes are unique and can not be replaced by another without great modifications to the 80. 86 inch to 109 inch SI to SIII will all swap but there are two types of steering wheel splines .
29 The question of the justification of neutral political concern invites moral and political argument and can not be settled by the inherent appeal of neutrality as such .
30 I assume here that there is a sense in which the latter is the case , though the full story is more complex and can not be explored here .
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