Example sentences of "and would be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The basic offence would cover amateur hackers who access systems for fun and would be intended to act as a general deterrent to all types of hacking .
2 Mrs Robinson summoned Annie : Joseph had gone over to Cockermouth with his larger share of the char and would be staying the night at his sister 's .
3 He was also back to the daily pile of paperwork and would be closeted with secretaries for much of the day .
4 These costs include the re-filling of fire extinguishers or damage caused by the fire brigade to a building to enable them to put the fire out and would be covered under the fire section .
5 The principal author of the market reform programme , Abalkin was booed and slow hand-clapped during an impassioned speech in which he declared that the party hitherto had failed socialist ideals in every respect , and would be swept aside if it stood in the way of a market economy .
6 I think probably that is at completely the other end of the spectrum , and would be stifling the natural growth in North Yorkshire and what you would be doing then is is acting against the erm the inhab the existing inhabitant of North Yorkshire because you would probably be forcing them out of their county .
7 The primary health care team contracted to follow set procedures for making referrals ( referrers would inform patients , all referrals would include a clear statement of urgency and would be made in writing — even ones made by telephone would be followed up by written requests ) .
8 In this respect the operation was a failure ; Schwarzkopf made it clear that the air phase of the war would be continued until it had achieved its objectives , and that the timing and location of any land-based offensive would be in accordance with allied war plans and would be made by the US President .
9 The whole day 's spectacle was an affirmation that a common history mattered and would be maintained .
10 The Baronne de Rochefort presented her compliments to Mademoiselle Russell , and would be obliged if she would call at the château at three o'clock that afternoon .
11 But Pound with his invaluable naïveté really believed that the United States was ‘ a land of opportunity ’ ; that his nation 's glory was all in the future , and would be achieved if only Americans would sort out those achievements of European culture ( and of non-European cultures also ) which were worth their emulating and trying to surpass .
12 Toure said that multiparty democracy was " a priority " and would be achieved " as soon as possible " .
13 A further 45 grant-maintained schools are grammar schools and would be affected by Labour 's plans to end 11-plus testing .
14 Activities associated with adjusting income/expenditure would take on greater importance , and would be related to defined shortfalls in resource needs .
15 Now , thanks to his intervention , the bodies of the two English tourists were being brought back to Bucharest and would be flown to London by Tarom the following Tuesday — in coffins of Romanian oak .
16 Though physically a lightly built rugby player , he never hesitated to go for the top league and would be bounced and shaken regularly .
17 The B debt would have interest rolled up , and would be repaid once the principal on the A debt was repaid .
18 I promptly forgot about the audition , considering it a waste of time , so was astounded when John phoned four days later to say I had passed the audition and would be hearing from Les Cox when he 'd decided which show I 'd be on .
19 This will fit easily into one stitch pattern section of memory and would be transferred to the console as stitch pattern A.
20 X Ltd would be a body corporate ( s678(1) ( a ) ) and would be connected with the settlement ( s678(4) ) .
21 Church members would observe the seventh-day sabbath and practise adult baptism ; all others would continue to keep the first-day sabbath , and would be barred from the sacraments .
22 The Chief of the Armed Forces ' General Staff , Gen. José Valdivia Dueñas , had not been implicated , according to Fujimori , and would be reinstated in his post .
23 Mr Bishop said that the ACCA was in the process of looking at the job 's terms of reference within the context of the ACCA 's future strategy and would be contacting headhunters shortly .
24 The civilians would look after the waves of foreign investment lapping into Thailand , while the armed forces would retain their grip on many state-owned enterprises and would be given a free hand to run Thailand 's relations with its neighbours .
25 For either he had to obtain another document for which he had to apply to the court and would be given by its clerk .
26 He said most ticket-holders had already been warned of the cancellation and would be given a full refund .
27 This generally takes the form of a tailored information memorandum and would be given to prospective purchasers during the course of negotiations .
28 The police had made one mistake too many in this case and would be given no further opportunities to demonstrate their incompetence .
29 Hence it is worth explaining , in a way that elsewhere might not be necessary and would be seen as an indulgence , that in our case , once permission was granted , no limits were laid down by senior officers and no censorship role has been retained by the RUC over the final manuscript .
30 But he said it ‘ concerns a Christmas price promotion ’ and would be seen as a ‘ very important initiative ’ in the book trade .
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