Example sentences of "and there seem [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was indeed rather dubious about the whole idea , but we had n't been getting very far and there seemed to be no harm in just finding out some more about it .
2 The cuts in the hand were superficial and there seemed to be nothing else wrong .
3 ‘ There was this huge explosion and glass everywhere and there seemed to be an age of silence before pandemonium broke loose .
4 The fascination was , however , accompanied by fear , and there seemed to be an inner conflict between his Christian beliefs and the sorcery of witchcraft .
5 A variety of opinions were aired on the matter by the politicians present , and there seemed to be a definite acknowledgement that at least some of those present held shares in Anglo United , the mother company of IBM .
6 She always felt sorry for the children at the Ragged School and there seemed to be hundreds and hundreds of them .
7 Then they swept past with a great roar of engines , and there seemed to be a voice shouting from a loudspeaker .
8 If I needed money , I collected it from Wemmick at Mr Jaggers ' office , and there seemed to be plenty of money available .
9 For most of those in political life , the existing pattern of local government ( through which numbers of politicians , particularly in the Labour Party , had graduated ) was quite satisfactory and there seemed to be little point in tinkering with it .
10 And there seemed to me a safety , a kind of warmth in such numbers .
11 " Mummy died , " his father said again , and there seemed to be something wrong with the way he said it .
12 She felt hot and sticky , and there seemed to be far less room at the bottom of the companionway than she remembered .
13 We loved the atmosphere — it had a real buzz about it and there seemed to be plenty of smiling faces around .
14 Socialism , however , had been repudiated at the polls even more decisively than Protection , and there seemed to be a stronger case for an anti-socialist coalition composed of the Conservative and Liberal Parties than for a Free Trade one .
15 The fact that local people had not been informed of the exploratory work as it proceeded , or asked what they thought , had been discussed at some length during the evening , and there seemed to be little doubt that people who are to be " invaded " by a major installation for which they will bear much incidental , site-specific cost , would like to be party to discussions about the project .
16 The soldiers bent over to form the arches but they were no good as they kept moving all over the place and there seemed to be no rules or sense of order to the game .
17 Basically , the latest , and I must n't take any credit , and there seemed to be some credit , Chair .
18 Young and old people may be affected and there seems to be no way of knowing who will have this kind of problem .
19 The late manifestations involving the nervous and cardiovascular systems seen in syphilis do not occur and there seems to be no risk of passing on the infection to the unborn child .
20 In recent years , it has become common for local political party caucuses to threaten to withdraw endorsement as candidates from Members who voice views unacceptable to them and there seems to be no reason in principle why this should not be treated by the House as a contempt the essence of which , in this respect , is to deny to a Member the freedom to exercise his power as a Member in the manner dictated by his own personal judgment .
21 Most of the world is running MS-DOS and there seems to be no provision for 32-bit NT applications or OS/2 software for that matter .
22 Most of the world is running MS-DOS , and there seems to be no provision for 32-bit NT applications or OS/2 software for that matter .
23 The range is between 3.6 and 5.1 , and there seems to be no semblance of a period .
24 But everything is so arbitrary ; every screw interprets the rules differently , and there seems to be no rhyme or reason for anything .
25 And there seems to be a good spirit around and Yeah we 're we 're very pleased to be here , you know .
26 And there seems to be dissatisfaction , greed , I du n no what amongst the youngsters today .
27 But the fact remains that Panaetius lived for some time in Rome , as the Index Stoicorum Herculanensis , an excellent source , states ( 73 ) ; and there seems to be no reason to doubt the statement of Cicero in Pro Murena that he was the guest of Scipio ( 31.56 ) .
28 Joyriders are a real hazard in and around Scotswood Road , and there seems to be very little that people can do about them , other than give warnings and make arrests .
29 Most researchers have focused on Creole use in Britain as an adolescent phenomenon , and there seems to be a general belief that use of Creole is negligible or non-existent before the age of 14 or so .
30 There is one taking place at the moment involving Internal Digital ( DEC ) employees and there seems to be a lot of traffic and interest in it , though I do n't have time for that one .
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