Example sentences of "and she [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 She had never been in such a place before , and she saw at once that most of the men had girls with them who were certainly not their wives , or the kind of girl one took home to mother .
2 Clive looked at her , and she looked at him .
3 When he came back his face was grim , and she looked at him with surprise .
4 And she looked at Isobel , almost defiantly .
5 At the shop door they all stood around her , and she looked at them solemnly now and said , ‘ Thank you so much .
6 At first she could meet his eyes , but what she saw confused her and she looked at the floor , colour creeping into her cheeks , reacting against the tenderness surprised in herself with a sense of shock that made her brusque and suspicious .
7 A woman with a brush of close-cut grey hair sat with her sewing close to the fire and a cat rested on her lap , and she looked at Millet with fear and seemed to warn her husband that this was an intruder .
8 Of a sudden Aggie rose from the table and left the room , and the smile slid slowly from Millie 's face and she looked at the funny young man , as she thought of him , and said , ‘ Is she vexed ? ’
9 ‘ Then what 's wrong ? ’ he said and she looked at him in surprise .
10 Anyway to finish that story about stopping and starting , I stopped there for fifty years and me mother was still alive when er when I at ninety three and when I retired in nineteen seventy nine , nineteen eighty I told me mum that I was finishing and she looked at me I told you that job would n't last and I , I , I mean I 'd done fifty years all but a few months .
11 And she looked at Lacuna with an intensity that Francis could n't interpret .
12 They ate with a shared teaspoon out of the tin and she looked at the sardines and condensed milk now exposed between John Donne and Rosa Luxemburg .
13 Edward said , and she looked at him , and then back to Willoughby .
14 Anthony put an arm around her shoulders and she looked at him , surprised but pleased that he had managed to touch her again .
15 Some of his possessions were on the top of the chest by the window and she looked at them curiously .
16 Her hand went to her mouth and she looked at me wide-eyed .
17 I looked at Susan , and she looked at me .
18 He had been carrying a small bag , which he dumped on the table , and she looked at it in disbelief .
19 As you can probably tell from my figure , ’ and she looked at her plump legs with satisfaction , ‘ I like my food ! ’
20 She recalled his words to her about needing to put on weight , and she looked at her friend , for the first time ever , with a sharp stab of jealousy , then she hurriedly wiped the expression from her face .
21 ‘ Well ? ’ he said again , and she looked at him , anger taking over from the sadness his offer had brought .
22 ‘ Later , my love , ’ Roman said briskly and she looked at him in surprise .
23 He pushed the bra straps off her shoulders and she looked at him helplessly , torn between releasing the bodice to grab his hands and keeping it safely in place .
24 His slight movement towards her silenced her , and she looked at him apprehensively , noting the way decision marked his face now .
25 Inside it was cool and there was a seat that took the weight off her swollen feet , and they watched as gleaming brass plates were trailed in front of their eyes with the regularity of a hypnotist 's charm , and she looked at Dan and he said no thanks and walked out .
26 She saw his gaze fall to her mouth and she looked at him and waited , wanting him to kiss her , hardly daring to move in case the moment , the spell should be broken .
27 Her complexion was sallow , with lines of bitterness running down to a mouth pinched in discontent , and she looked at Theda out of a pair of lacklustre eyes , with patent contempt .
28 And she looked at me and blinked her eyes I says you what means .
29 I asked about the baby and she looked at me as if I should know . ’
30 And I handed over my day timing , now bear in mind this is all in pencil , and she looked at the schedule for May and said you 're not real busy this month , you know , you can take some time off .
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