Example sentences of "and she [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Her gown had a train which brushed the floor , and she waited while the woman following her looped it up into neat folds and attached them to the fastening at her wrist .
2 Even to open the letter was a burden and she waited until she was alone and hidden from view to do so .
3 Martin held back , and she waited until James was out of sight before she spoke .
4 Agriculture was undergoing considerable change and she saw as one of her main tasks the need to ensure that the UK farming industry benefits in full from CAP .
5 Agriculture was undergoing considerable change and she saw as one of her main tasks the need to ensure that the UK farming industry benefits in full from CAP .
6 Sarah answered the door ; she wore a shabby blue woollen dress , her grey hair straggled and she looked as though she could do with a wash .
7 The affair was both a personal and a professional humiliation and she looked as though she could cry .
8 Luke moved swiftly round the desk to where she sat , and she flinched as he put out a hand , lifting a loose , shining curl away from the side of her brow .
9 Reaching for a cup , her arm accidentally brushed his and she flinched as though she 'd been burned , which brought forth another acid comment .
10 The door was flung open and she flinched as she found herself staring into Dane 's scowling face .
11 He lifted his hand and she flinched because she thought he was going to strike her , but it was worse .
12 She stood in front of the mirror and in front of her mother , and she suffered because she knew that there was no escape ; the reasons why the dress would not do were reasons which could never be communicated .
13 It was strong in Kate and she knew if she was not careful she would be offering him refuge , sorting out his problems , arranging his life for him .
14 She put it off because Christmas was coming up , and then Tony her boyfriend wanted to take her to Paris and she knew if she revealed her pregnancy she would n't be allowed to go , so she said nothing .
15 Suddenly , the track fell away sharply , in front of her feet , and she felt before she saw the expanded horizon .
16 That implied being carefree , and she felt as though it had been decades since she had felt that way , and it had nothing whatsoever to do with Jonathan .
17 Their eyes locked together for an instant , and she felt as though he was seeing right into her soul , into bits of her that no one had ever seen before .
18 The grey eyes roamed over her face , and she felt as though she was being devoured by some huge magnetic force .
19 He undressed her equally slowly , and she felt as though she were standing outside herself , watching almost with detachment as he exposed her breasts to his gaze and slowly lowered his head until his mouth could touch one rosy peak .
20 His touch filled her with a thousand small , explosive sensations , and she felt as though every single bone had turned to jelly .
21 Shelley stared , as the old magic started up , and she felt as she had always felt when she looked at him , that all other men she knew paled into insignificance beside this one .
22 Branches clawed at her hair and she felt like she had done years ago , waiting for Jezrael to catch up , knowing she was going to be late for school , but she could n't leave her sister to struggle in on her own .
23 Her conscious understanding of how she was using language is clear from the explanations she gives for the expressions she uses in the poem : ( on line 2 ) " She lived outside in the open , so the air was like her house " ; ( on line 5 " the streets were like a giant shop where she could pick and choose out of bins and gutters " ; ( on line 8 ) " this means she was close to nature and she felt like the yew was her mother " .
24 The wind had gone down but the night had turned chilly and she shivered as she hurried towards the hospital gates , which were brightly picked out , as was everything else , by the moonlight .
25 Roman slid the zip of her black cotton dress down to her waist and she shivered as his hand gently explored her smooth shoulder and traced a line from the sensitive pulse in her throat to the valley between her breasts .
26 A cool little breeze was blowing , and she shivered as it ran playfully over her heated skin and ruffled the long strands of her silvery hair so that it spilled like spun gold down her back , tangling with the lace .
27 On Wednesday I met Mrs Matthews in the street and she asked if I 'd taken the cat to the vet and I admitted that I had n't .
28 The landlady was going out to see the workers among her hay some miles down the glen ; her man-servant ( the Hermit of Glencoe ) drove , and she asked if I would come with them as far as they went .
29 I showed her my book of poems , ‘ The Grimm Sisters ’ , and she asked if I 'd like to work with a choreographer on a ‘ dance piece ’ which would be a grown-up Christmas show with words and music and story , but mainly dance .
30 The blonde lady , Mrs Johnson , whose daughter Hank regarded as little better than a.streetwalker , found herself appointed chairman of the subcommittee , and she asked if Mrs Stych and the president , the hawk-faced wife of a real estate man , would serve with her .
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