Example sentences of "and we have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was memorable for the endless grind in one gully where the snow was waist-deep and we had to swim upwards , and for the point where we emerged on to the easterly ridge with views to Lyngen , and a wind that had bared the slopes and put our teeth on edge .
2 ‘ He came out of his house with a shotgun and a dog and we had to call the police .
3 With a great big cans , you had to fill it with that molasses , and we had to pour this all over the grass and then , shorts , our shorts were cut off breeches you see because then we used to wear them first and we cut off them off to make shorts .
4 In the woods between Lāmri and U hu where the path drops steeply down , the stream had frozen solid right across the path and we had to pick our way for half a mile , across the ice .
5 ‘ It seemed a bit odd , but it was an attempted burglary on his premises and an assault on his body and we had to respect his wishes .
6 I was surprised when Newsround came and we had to sing Ding dong merrily on high again after singing it three times before .
7 we knew that , and we had to sing it in French .
8 Up went an imperious hand and we had to stop .
9 Then his leg began to hurt and we had to stop to rearrange the straw and blanket .
10 I 'm an ex-master 's wife from Lithgo in Stirlingshire hunt , and we had to stop because erm the country was disappearing underneath us .
11 And it and we had to collect twenty cans and then when you 've collected twenty cans that is enough for one trees one tree and it is gon na be planted in Sherwood Forest and it 's going to stay there for hundreds and hundreds of years .
12 Our trainees always found their cooking day the biggest ordeal , and we had to put up with some unorthodox meals at times .
13 when they wore thin on the end and we had to put a new link in we never threw the two halves of the link away , we pointed them and made them into staples .
14 Everyone was supportive when I dried up on my one and only line and we had to do it again .
15 Coming in at all , so that 's , that is n't easy , but it , eh were it works it 's really good I mean for example we , we d o up the Poll Tax enforcement policy , erm and again it was where the Cou I mean if the Council had followed the legislation on Poll Tax collection , it 's you know , erm and it did n't want to do that , and so again well , it 's , well it 's related to this legislation bit , but we looked at , we looked at how we could get round that legal procedure and we looked at developing a more sensitive policy and we had to do that with other departments .
16 Well , we should have knocked off work at about twelve on the Saturday , and instead of that , being a shop , they were taking orders and we had to do all the alterations as they came in , and bought the clothes .
17 And we had to do it over a week and over a month because some weeks you do things that do n't do
18 They always left because they were afraid of my stepfather , and we had to do all the work in the house .
19 ‘ We chose that company because we thought they were reputable and we had to do everything speedily . ’
20 We had a 3.15 PM start , and we 'd only played one hole when the end of the world looked as though it had come and we had to shelter in the R&A tent .
21 No Met nor Notam information was displayed , and we had to ask for the Met before filing our flight-plan to Santiago .
22 In the second half we saw little ball and we had to defend for our lives .
23 The water was rising all the time , and we had to seal him inside a waterproof bag and drag him through the sump . ’
24 The cylinders were causing minor explosions and we had to tackle it from the outside , using the protection of adjoining buildings and cars .
25 There were hundreds of screaming women outside and we had to whisk him down to the underground car park and shut the gates behind him .
26 Sarella forced herself to ignore it and replied , ‘ The company lost its grant and we had to split up .
27 There was then the general context , RAWP had been sorted out , our other strategy had to be priority care , and we had to fund geographical equity and care group equity .
28 My childhood was all about manners and how to hold your knife and fork and which glass to drink out of , and we had to curtsey , and as for my father , well , if I was looking like this — with blonde hair hanging down and the red lipstick — he would say I looked like a slut .
29 And we had to wear boots rather than rock climbing shoes .
30 The Spirit of God was beckoning us forward , and we had to obey . ’
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