Example sentences of "and that [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is somewhat ironical that this position was carefully constructed by earlier Republican presidents and that CITES was primarily the brainchild of the Nixon administration .
2 And that hurt was slight , compared to what it might have been if things had n't happened the way they had tonight .
3 In the past I have had to carry all my stuff with me and that has been a drag .
4 There has been one miracle already and that has been the hand put back on . ’
5 A fighter has to have power behind him or nothing will ever happen and that has been my trouble , ’ admits Boucher .
6 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney General would quash it , and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
7 Gilligan identifies a theme of social concern and non-violence that is found mainly in women 's moral reasoning , and that has been ignored in previous descriptions of sex differences in this area .
8 This would require a great deal of organisation to ensure compatibility of all the units involved , but ICAO did a similar thing many years ago with ILS air and ground equipment and that has been working successfully now for over thirty-five years .
9 We have another in erm on Thompson 's Directory , we said we were asked if we would like a mention there , and that has been put in hand , with at the moment the Chairman 's name and address and telephone number , but when we get our office I 've no doubt we can change that because we 'll have a rota for the office and probably just morning hours and that can go in another copy .
10 ‘ I 've never known a player with a more positive attitude , and that has been especially valuable with so many inexperienced lads in the squad .
11 And erm the only other outstanding sponsor from last year was Northern Rock and that has been a bit of a qu a problem because er it 's , we have n't had a closing gala event which might attract them but just recently erm Paul who as you know performed last year with his band so er well er is , had rang me and said that they are doing something in Venice and they could in fact take the boat to Hull rather than to Dover and bring it here and I 'm , so I 'm working on the assumption that we might have that .
12 At the Great Parndon Neighbourhood Committee members requested that our building control service being used er , the developers throughout the scheme , and that has been taken on board and Moat are perfectly happy for that to happen .
13 There has been one very disturbing factor in keeping this particular type of fish , and that has been discovering the incredible cruelty that is sometimes used in order to increase the sale of them .
14 erm , I do voluntary work for the Brook Advisory , er through the peer educators and that has been very erm beneficial for for myself and for the work that er , we do with
15 and , and that has been integrated across a county into the establishment which is why I 'm sort of saying
16 It is clear that the first year of the scheme has brought a wide range of benefits to patients , and that has been confirmed by independent evaluation by Professor Glennerster at the London school of economics .
17 It has been overtaken by local practices and informal agreements — and that has been the case since mechanisation of the industry began in the 1950s .
18 ‘ We basically say to them if you put your trust in us we will not fail you — and that has been the case .
19 Of course drugs is , is one of the wonderful examples that the very thing that Katherine was talking about , something that was n't there in the beginning and that has been produced by modern technology and is now a big problem , but is not a problem to Australian Aborigines because they do n't have any drugs er to speak of , of course now they do and alcohol is a terrible problem with Australian Aborigines I talked to David McKnight about it .
20 Erm local plan progress is is well advanced erm er in the national parks and that has been the subject of continued discussion erm between the county and its national park committee , the county planning committee and its national park committee .
21 and that has been done by a marketing exec who goes round the country contracting with those clients .
22 And that has been determined by our marketing executive who has signed up the estate agent .
23 and that has been a long time coming but it now appears to be
24 Mr makes there was an under , enumeration of figures and that has been made clear in the reply the reply is quite clear about the basis on which the structure plan is being promulgated and the total projected total population in two thousand and six regards the historical data , that should be taken , as far as I 'm concerned , as matters of fact , will of course not be absolutely accurate and as far as projected data is concerned all that we can do any of us can do is to try and make the best estimates possible and I am satisfied that our officers will have done that .
25 He said : ‘ This was discussed during the hearing at the House of Lords and it was said that if a case was brought the Attorney-General would quash it and that has been confirmed by lawyers .
26 Unfortunately all the O N D information erm on that and that binds is post code er referenced erm and to extract the data erm in a meaningful sense for Greater York will require the reworking of all the basic data and that will take some time .
27 I was n't at all kind , and that 's been on my conscience ever since . ’
28 I 've just had to get on with it , and that 's been a good thing . ’
29 The press have backed off a little bit and that 's been nice ’ , she agreed with a smile .
30 Were open I mean there 's been lots of things done like that I mean you maybe aware of this sort of jazz in the Gilbey bar on Saturday lunch time and that 's been running some time then it 'll cease to come back again you know if you 'll actually counting on the people actually coming cos of the jazz there I think as your looking at it it was slightly up it was n't a was n't great influx because there was jazz available so yeah we 'll certainly look introducing things into different areas of the theatre but from past experience it does n't automatically follow that if you can do that then you know it 's gon na happen .
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