Example sentences of "and had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had tried to disembarrass herself of her virginity , and had been certain , once she started ‘ going steady ’ with Sebastian , that this would be accomplished .
2 The Polish Solidarity leader , Lech Walesa , had called for their release and had been due to arrive in Chile on Oct. 26 at the invitation of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores ( CUT ) to try to obtain their release .
3 I happened to see Sir John Woods [ Permanent Secretary to the Board of Trade ] tonight and he told me that Sir Stafford Cripps had been reading the minutes of Cabinet committees during his absence [ in India , where he had been for nearly four months trying to reach a settlement which would lead to independence ] and had been depressed by the amount of time and energy taken up in the Ministerial Committees with the discussion of quite minor matters which individual Ministers ought to settle in their discretion .
4 The scheme was launched 14 years ago and had been subject to two public enquiries , both of which recommended the building of a tunnel under Oxleas Wood , at an extra cost of £10 million .
5 I was 24 and had been married for four years before I discovered I was a lesbian .
6 She was an Irish Catholic woman of twenty-eight and had been married for nearly two years .
7 And while Leith was thinking , heavens , Rosemary was a year older than her and had been married , and was starting to feel grateful that she had the parents she had , Rosemary was going on , ‘ They 're both out at the moment . ’
8 Nevertheless , the transaction might be upset if the debtor had acted as agent for the lender and had been guilty of misrepresentation or undue influence .
9 In a remarkable case , very much of our times , the applicants lived in Belfast and had been guilty of criminal and anti-social activities .
10 When several of us got down there the CO informed us that we had to fly down the Gulf to look for an Imperial Airways airliner , one of those Armstrong Whitworth Argosys which was named City of Glasgow , and had been overdue for sometime .
11 And what pride she had , that transcended her meagre purse and the threadbare pelisse that so little kept out the winter cold that she still wore it inside the house , and had been obliged to come down from her room to seek a little warmth from the dying fire .
12 Peter had won three times already and had been unlucky not to make it a fourth title the year before .
13 He was young and fit , and had been half-expecting an attack .
14 The army , which had overthrown the government of President Ramsewak Shankar in December 1990 [ see pp. 37912-13 ] , apparently perceived the SLA as the greater threat and had been keen to isolate it .
15 Patrick had been Chief Secretary to the Treasury in Ted Heath 's Government and had been successful as Secretary of State for both Social Services and Trade and Industry .
16 Though the engine was 17 years old and had been used to pulling 40-tonne loads at 60mph , Mr Tomlinson did n't need to touch it .
17 Obviously Rune must have thought she harboured some grudge against him and had been anxious to prevent a potential display of hostility in front of his colleagues the next day .
18 I was fourteen then , I 'd seen her in National Velvet , and had been barmy about her ever since .
19 ‘ Many … had a complete ban and had been no-smoking from the start because they perceived that smoking did not fit in with their ethos — Boots , for example , or the Body Shop . ’
20 They had showered her with congratulations , and had been pleased to serve her .
21 She and Mr Singh had visited the school for a Christmas event and had been pleased to hear that Balbinder was being moved into the second class .
22 Bearing in mind that after the stinginess of Armadale he had gone to the house of this ‘ hearty welcome ’ , and had been pleased with ‘ a numerous and cheerful company ’ — why did Boswell prove less forthcoming than one might have expected about the Mackinnons ?
23 A bachelor with a sister as housekeeper , he had found retirement unstimulating , and had been pleased to come back to teaching at any price , any place .
24 Rachel had n't taken a lot of notice of the young SHO — she had been more interested in her own circle of friends at the time — but he had been a frequent visitor at the Stevenses ' home and she knew her parents had liked him and had been pleased at the prospect of him becoming their son-in-law .
25 They were of an age , Hawk and Jennifer , and had been close as teenagers , before Hawk joined up with the Sons of Geronimo and left the Reservation , intent on changing the world .
26 He had led the party since 1984 , succeeding Dom Mintoff [ see p. 33794 ] , and had been Prime Minister from then until the party 's defeat in 1987 .
27 He was familiar with Pound 's writing on Japanese drama , and had been impressed by the first performance of At the Hawk 's Well when he had seen a well-known Japanese dancer take the role of the hawk .
28 Nigger was on leave from the navy and had been impressed as he watched Yanto hit a drunken sailor who had tried to grope a young girl .
29 Apparently Mr Baker had met him on a social occasion , and had been impressed by his traditionalist views .
30 Mosley himself admired Lloyd George 's qualities of leadership and had been impressed by his energy and administrative skills at the Ministry of Munitions from 1915 to 1916 .
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