Example sentences of "and had been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier statisticians had based population predictions on arithmetical averages , derived from bills of mortality and other statistical tables , and had been primarily concerned with legal and moral intervention into the family .
2 Amabel had spoken to Mrs Covington-Pym only once and had been completely unable to follow the lady 's conversation .
3 It was a time when the whole underground culture was at its height and I was very much involved in that and had been since early ‘ 67 .
4 First , the bishop had been enthusiastic in inviting him to the new work and had been wide open to the initiative .
5 She , it turned out , was away , and had been away for some weeks , touring the clubs in the North .
6 To make matters worse , the two men had been ordered to Germany to attend a conference , and had been away for eight days .
7 ( In recent years the Team Spirit exercise had involved some 200,000 troops and had been vehemently condemned by North Korea as act of unwarranted aggression which impeded channels of communication between the two states — see also p. 36465 . )
8 The Kaszubes had not been interested in the fate of Poland at the time of the partitions , and had been reasonably well satisfied by early Prussian rule .
9 She remembers that she had been knocking on doors for years to be given a chance to act and had been practically laughed out of town .
10 And four and a quarter hours later , when it actually was four , and the bedclothes both above and below were a mere conglomerate heap , and Tessa 's strapping behind had pushed right across the bed , and Bob was cold and stiff from head to foot , and had been neither asleep nor awake for a moment , it felt as though the solar system had finally run down and stopped , and closed off the ever-renewing spring of pure , fresh time for good and all .
11 ‘ But then , ’ he excused , ‘ I 've had but a short while to suspect — when you were prepared to leave without fulfilling your agreement to your sister whom you love so much — that you might , dare I believe it , be running from me because you loved me and had been badly hurt by my ‘ clinging ’ accusation . ’
12 Draft evasion had already been going largely unpunished by Lithuanian authorities for more than a year , and had been steadily increasing : on Feb. 16 more than 5,000 conscripts attending independence day rallies had publicly returned their call-up cards .
13 He let Mac have his Celtic whims , everyone did ; he was vastly experienced and had been right so often .
14 He gave the pope an account of the evidence that had been brought forward , giving first place , and by far the greatest amount of space , to the testimony of Bede 's Ecclesiastical History , which showed that the archbishops of Canterbury , acting on the authority of Pope Gregory I and his successors , had exercised general authority over the whole of the British Isles during the first hundred and forty years of its existence : they had consecrated bishops for all parts of the country , summoned councils , deposed unworthy bishops , and had been generally responsible for spreading Catholic discipline into Wales and Scotland .
15 He 'd had no sleep and had been nearly drowned , almost had his throat cut , been shot at and then nearly rammed by a patrol boat .
16 She had drifted off , and had been fast asleep for some hours when the sound of someone 's keeping their finger pressed on her doorbell roused her from a deep sleep .
17 Nigel was strapped into a light commode in a sitting position and had been carefully carried down the fire escape to the waiting car .
18 The tale goes that a little while back , IBM Corp was using street names , reportedly from the Palo Alto town map , as its product code names — Sierra , Summit perhaps — and had been carefully working up the map , so that all you had to do to put a top IBMer into a real flap was to pick a name from the map a couple of streets up from the most recent one you 'd heard of and ask how that product was coming along .
19 The tale goes that a little while back , IBM Corp was using street names , reportedly from the Palo Alto town map , as its product code names — Sierra , Summit perhaps — and had been carefully working up the map , so that all you had to do to put a top IBMer into a real flap was to pick a name from the map a couple of streets up from the most recent one you 'd heard of and ask how that product was coming along .
20 Instead he was named Panos and had been properly adopted by a Greek couple .
21 Mr Roache , of Wilmslow , Cheshire , had told the court he was ‘ devastated and humiliated ’ by a November 1990 article which said he was smug and self-satisfied like his screen character and had been universally nicknamed ‘ BKB — Boring Ken Barlow , ’ a reputation he had earned both on and off the screen .
22 An example of such a case is Bjorlow ( GB ) Ltd v Minter [ 1954 ] 71 RPC 321 in which the employer claimed that a process was secret and had been wrongfully used and disclosed by the defendant , a former employee .
23 Imogen had lived in Hampstead , and had been just such an attractive sixth-former when he had met her on a trip to the States .
24 The beds were perfectly clean and had been well made .
25 Mr Lamont claimed his Autumn Statement meant the framework for growth was in place and had been well received by businesses .
26 Dorothy Sayers may never have met Tolkien , though she knew Charles Williams and had been profoundly stirred , as a translator of Dante , by his Figure of Beatrice ( 1943 ) .
27 Mr Major 's appointment of two women to the Cabinet will certainly add a touch of glamour to his team , and had been widely expected .
28 Two Egyptians had been arrested alongside the four Israelis and had been similarly accused of " collecting information about the country 's economic and political situation and some prominent Egyptian figures in order to supply this information to Israel " ( according to the Middle East News Agency of May 6 ) .
29 This passage was already well known to Ash scholars and had been extensively quoted .
30 TV Martí had begun test transmissions in the early hours of March 27 , and had been immediately jammed by electronic equipment in Cuban aircraft and naval vessels .
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