Example sentences of "and erm [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 And erm that I would like to live in the flats , and she just said , Why do n't you ?
2 I took , I took the cheque around on Monday , I had the , the last appointment on Friday and erm since I 've had the abscess , the tooth that 's got a crown on top , I think it 's been pushed up a little bit and my top teeth , the first two keeps catching was this
3 And erm but I mean I remember when I I was doing er work with the Open University now I was a sort of er tutor with them or counsellor with them and I think we used to say ten to fifteen hours work a week
4 and erm but I never thought it would be a long job .
5 Yeah well I I had erm access to quite a lot of you know , quite good clothing , er both children 's and adult 's and erm while I did n't feel that it was that people should have to depend on someone else to give them clothing , erm in some ways it went against the grain to do it .
6 That Green World is the new national newsletter which took over from news and erm because I 'm on the editorial board
7 er , well I 'm , I 'm a waitress and erm when I 'm working I consider the restaurant my stage and I have to be somebody else because I 'm worried that you know who I am is n't good enough to entertain these people .
8 And erm when I 'd finished with him I 'd perhaps get a two or three specked apples or a banana or something like you see .
9 And erm when I came away again I brought some orchids with me .
10 and erm when I , when I installed it I was very pleasantly surprised , at the basically at the number of useful little applications that they threw in with it .
11 and erm er we had er each , there was a Ministry of Education form to be completed , a statistical return and erm when I first started there there were no more than seventeen university students with these major scholarships .
12 It 's a whole week , mind we do n't go out and erm when I came home just , the last evening , you know , after the play
13 Actually , me and Joe were saying the other day , like ever erm who was it , someone said something about people being fat or whatever and someone 's gone , oh yeah , like Helena , you know jokingly and erm and me and Joe both turned round and said yeah but she 's not fat though is she , she 's like more you 're more wide are n't you ?
14 And erm and I think something that er holding a community together .
15 well yes , yes I wondered whether I 'd got it right you know , it sounded just a silly thing to ask and erm and I erm had to consider that probably asked whether I had erm made a mistake in my shorthand before , before I actually typed it but erm , anyway they seemed erm reasonably satisfied and everybody was very kindly and erm considerate and
16 week 's er wages and erm and I 'd deservedly so , it was my own damn fault .
17 Still , her children are quite young and erm and I , I think she 's sorry for what she 's done .
18 Er and erm and I just wonder whether you 'll get that much more .
19 And erm and I made the point that I tipped all your lot out of I said what and I had n't let them go in the classroom and I said it 's a new thing but I said they got their coats on they 're too macho to wear them that 's their problem , you know !
20 and erm and I asked Margaret , they had a better view where she was
21 and I 'm seeing the surgeon today and erm and I met somebody the other day who 'd had it done and his fingers were n't affected , you know , so I mean it 's just the luck of the draw I think .
22 A and erm and I think it is being conducted by the government which has just left China
23 and erm and I said to Andy
24 Pete has never touched my hair in my life and there was some downstairs in that bathroom downstairs and I thought hey that looks a bit of fun , I 'll have a go at that and erm and I was outside and I took my hair down , I 'd just washed it and I said oh look , you know , I used this hair thickening shampoo do you think it looks thicker , as a joke , and he goes yeah it does actually , yeah it really does .
25 er because I said I , I only phone Marion once a month and phone mum probably about once a fortnight , I do n't like to leave it any longer and erm and I said I know I made a few extra calls over Christmas , but I said I really do n't know .
26 And erm and I think these are the two things we are talking about , the typo visual is the dress and the typo , what is it , logic , typo lecture is the grammar .
27 And erm as I told you before we had , I had two aunts with eleven each .
28 and er we moved over there because erm the Department was splitting at the seams really , because immediately there was erm , the war was over and there were all sorts of plans for erm for development and that sort of thing and erm as I 've already mentioned there were two , only two graduates in the whole of the Education Department who was Mr and er his Personal Assistant and erm then after the war there were three graduates appointed , all of them from erm , ex service men , there was Arthur who was erm Lieutenant Commander in the Navy , there was erm Bud , I ca n't remember his Christ proper christian name .
29 And erm as I 've said before the A sixty four corridor or the A sixty four road is already an existing high quality dual carriageway road .
30 As I say all these poem 's are very dense and erm if I get round to , to completing them they 'll probably have at least another verse , certainly extra words and rhymes , that open it out and make it a bit more plausible Ours in the night , no I 've got it wrong , sorry , I 've moved on and I should n't 've done
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