Example sentences of "and one can see " in BNC.

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1 They are more illuminating than compelling ; they show the operatic paraphrase in the hands of one of its most experienced practitioners , using as their basis music that will often have been more familiar to the listeners of its day than they now are to us ( there are some obvious exceptions on this CD ) ; and one can see why they were so successful at the time , even if they now seem slightly shallow set alongside the giants that selective history has chosen to remember .
2 ‘ Edward Wood ? ’ they question ; and one can see in their eyes the effort of the memory to attach this name to some sensational event in Parliament or some haunting paragraph in the newspapers …
3 Then the total process would become cheaper and one can see the advantages to management in fragmenting the task .
4 The missing bridge is not a mystery in itself and one can see traces of the formation of the structure at the far end of Swithland cutting about ¾ mile north of the station .
5 Add to the beast 's problems that it was already enfeebled by lack of nutrition , and one can see that its chances of survival were really pretty low .
6 The amount of time and energy staff need to spend in communicating ( and sometimes miscommunicating ) with each other comes over very strongly , and one can see how easily misunderstanding , resentment or perhaps even hostility can develop when individuals work in close proximity under pressure , even where channels of communication may seem open and well defined .
7 Where annual rents were protected by custom , the only payment which could be varied was the entry fine payable by a new tenant , and one can see a decline in these comparable with those in payments for leases .
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