Example sentences of "and now [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was uncanny what he 'd said to his Mum about Uncle Walter phoning up about his bad chest and now him being in hospital for real .
2 ‘ We can be heard all over Donegal and Northern Ireland , and now we 're getting fan letters from the west coast of Scotland .
3 We read about your trip in the paper before we came on holiday and now we 're on our way back through Reggane .
4 That was a very , very successful evening , and now we 're organising an entertainments evening down there again .
5 They had found it difficult to part but , as things were getting desperate , they turned to magic and said ‘ Abracadabra , one , two , three , say the magic words and now we 're free ’ .
6 We 've moved in through the looking-glass and now we 're too big , too enormous for egress .
7 ‘ We met on this show , got married , and now we 're getting divorced because I earn more money than him .
8 ‘ FDC was the first step ’ , says Mr Johnson , ‘ and now we 're using it to feed into the EIS Commander . ’
9 And now we 're out here and all we 've found is that nomes are n't important at all … .
10 And now we 're also benefiting from joint ventures with LVMH in Asia Pacific Region , USA and Europe .
11 CA European marketing manager , Mike Maunder , says ‘ we were inundated with demands on a worldwide basis to respond to the downsizing issue , and now we 're doing just that . ’
12 And now we 're coming on to your actual make do and mend .
13 You know we we used to sell thousand of pounds worth a year and now we 're down to couple of thousand a year and we 're s , we are losing money on that .
14 Phil has booked it and now we 're going to miss out because you 've forgotten me .
15 And now we 're more concerned with our little rules than with what 's going to happen to mummy in the future .
16 to the faculty and now we 're stuck with him .
17 And now we 're asking you to focus in on ways in which you could live the prayer of Saint Francis .
18 Well , we 've always given money for Eretz and now we 're giving men and women , including our beloved Rabbi .
19 And now we 're stuck in the middle .
20 So we 've got the cleansing gel on and now we 're going to remove it .
21 We asked you what we should do , and now we 're doing it .
22 what it might have done is that probably did n't need doing because Mouse Com was probably already fixed and now we 're unfixing it ?
23 ‘ Well , because , I mean , sir — we did it in 2A , and now we 're doing it again , sir — ’
24 We start a big publicity campaign ( we 're good at that ) , and now we 're raking it in ! ’
25 Well we have Go to Galilee , and now we 're looking at er erm at er at the other parts of that command .
26 And now we 're going to talk . ’
27 We have made steady progress since the New Year — we have tightened up the defence and now we 're getting a little bit of luck . ’
28 We have made steady progress since the New Year — we have tightened up the defence and now we 're getting a little bit of luck . ’
29 We drove round in circles for an hour and now we 're back in the Butcher Building .
30 ‘ We were there and now we 're here . ’
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