Example sentences of "and go into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Boli — Boom Boom to Marseille fans — was recently banned for four games after a fearsome tackle on Monaco 's Jurgen Klinsmann and goes into the European Cup tie talking more like a boxer than a footballer .
2 There was a long pause from my point of view , while the lights began flickering in the office and the train exceedingly slowly reversed , before stopping again and going into a sudden jerk .
3 Other animals avoid the difficulties of winter by reducing their metabolic rate even further and going into a state of torpor or hibernating .
4 Yes , it was rather apt , and going into the cold little room where the piano stood , I played it over — stiffly , and with many mistakes — the words , nevertheless , bringing their own gloomy comfort .
5 ‘ Because I come from a booky family , in some ways I 've taken writing for granted — it 's like coming from a family of butchers and going into the meat trade .
6 ‘ It 's awfully wild , ’ she said , ‘ but you are going the right way ’ — she was proceeding east and going into the storm at the time — and she thanked me for opening the gate .
7 But it was easier to believe in the impossible when you were tucked up in bed and half-asleep , than when you were walking the wet , comfortless streets , and the bloke you loved was on a bus going in the opposite direction , staring hopelessly out of the window , and wondering how on earth he was ever going to marry you , with no savings and going into the Army next week and a widowed mother who imagined herself an invalid and hated you for taking away her son .
8 ‘ Champagne , hot scented baths , Sibelius , tiny kittens , very , very , very expensive underwear that you hardly know you 're wearing , and skiing at night and going into the big stores on fifth Avenue and trying on all the three-hundred-dollar dresses and shoes and then saying that I do n't like any of them — I do that quite often — and … ’
9 We are worried at the emotional impact on the children if bodies are coming and going into the church to be washed .
10 Well I remember an Oxford aircraft over-flying the airfield and crashing in blocking the lane and going into the hedge on the other side , into Gingers Yard .
11 One they were going into a pub , and going into the toilets , you know , making a , so he had a a policeman waiting in and the toilets , for them you see , and the o one other , notable occasion he was seen chasing them down the main street in Morley , he got his cape on , you see ,
12 ‘ I can recognise the warning signs straight away — I start to tremble and go into a cold sweat , ’ explains Philippa .
13 ‘ He 'll not sell up and go into a Home , that 's for sure , ’ said his Dad .
14 After gorging itself it would lie down and go into a digestive torpor , and could alternately eat and doze over a period of several weeks .
15 ‘ He would direct the victim to park and go into the warehouse , showing that he had access .
16 Several times during the night he was forced to get up and go into the kitchen for a glass of water .
17 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
18 I can sleep in their tent and go into the forbidden zone with them tomorrow .
19 She heard the door open and close , then his footsteps coming back along the corridor and go into the sitting room .
20 What do people say in Ridgery Butts about those who come and go into the forest , those strange people you speak of ? ’
21 Most people stretch their legs and go into the stations .
22 SENSELESS THINGS have signed to Epic for a six figure sum and go into the studio next week to record their debut album .
23 She heard the two men come down the stairs and go into the kitchen .
24 which is burnt off when the whole thing gets fired in the kiln , so what will have to happen is the , your pots you 've done so far , once they 're thoroughly dried and go into the kiln , they 're fired at a high temperature and then they 'll come out this bit fired you 'll then separate them with oxide pastes , dip them into glaze , which I 'll explain in a minute , and re-fire them at a higher temperature , the glazed would
25 The second will develop consideration of reproduction and go into the distinction between this concept and that of collective consumption with special consideration of the notion of consumption cleavages .
26 They suggest that , within the family , women take on the expressive role of nurturing the other family members , while men take on the instrumental role and go into the outside world to earn the family 's wage .
27 You take one of the pairs of handcuffs from the drawer and go into the bathroom , pointing the gun at the figure in the tub .
28 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
29 ‘ Is that also the reason you will assume Fergus 's mantle and go into the Far Future to bind the Apocalypse and turn back the Four Horsemen ? ’
30 Athelstan could n't leave his parish and go into the city , but he wished he could speak to the coroner , apologise for leaving him so abruptly the night before last .
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