Example sentences of "and their [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 It was in this way that he was thinking when , with Lili by his side and their suitcases on a trolley he would abandon at the tube-station entrance , he looked up and met the eyes of Adam Verne-Smith .
2 Place the tiny balloons and their baskets on the drum around the sky .
3 Despite the growing sensitivity about sexual and racial stereotypes and their effects on shaping attitudes , the role of and reference to weapons in advertising continues to be marginalised .
4 The populations of dolphins and porpoises were finally on the verge of total collapse when the Turkish Government suspended the hunt in 1983 , and commissioned a report on the populations of dolphins and their effects on fish stocks .
5 Section 2 will consider the methods that have been used to allocate scarce foreign exchange and their effects on export performance .
6 M. Cain : Different styles of policing and their effects on criminal statistics
7 It is important that expatriates be fully aware of local customs and their effects on life style .
8 We need to know much more about specific cases of production and their effects on musical form .
9 The economies made on collective consumption and their effects on the family ranged from cutbacks on savings , which had little immediate impact but rocked their sense of security , to cutbacks on essentials like food , which signalled hard-hitting poverty .
10 This is a Public Domain computer database of permitted food additives which references , among others , the E number chemicals and their effects on man .
11 National Certificate Module 92512 — Basic European Community Processes , originally proposed by Dundee College of FE , is designed to allow students to develop an understanding of the institutions and functions of the EC and their effects on government , legislation , industry and commerce in the UK .
12 The first global report on air and water pollution , food contamination and their effects on health has just been prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme .
13 The answere is that they have nothing to do with them , and their effects on them are negative .
14 This project will be concerned with the views and attitudes of parent , child and social worker , and their effects on outcome for the family .
15 The celebration of this World Communications Day underlines the need for the Church to respond to the many unprecedented changes brought about by the communications media and their effects on modern living .
16 The subheadings throughout this chapter focus on each of the factors ( a-k ) in Figure 7.1 in turn , and their effects on the likelihood that events will be followed by illness .
17 Lunt later conceded that this was because there had been no comparative studies , and urged scientific tests to establish the levels of natural toxins in organic products and their effects on humans .
18 These parasites are found in the large intestine of horses and their effects on the host range from poor performance to clinical signs of severe enteritis .
19 A point is needed wherever two lines meet , so the number of points needed and their positions on the screen will depend upon the shape and dimensions of the particular piece that you wish to knit .
20 CCLGF business is first discussed in a body known as the Official Steering Group ( OSG ) which consists of senior officials of the associations and their advisers on the one side , and of senior government officials on the other :
21 This appeal presents an early opportunity in the life of the Children Act 1989 , to give what I hope is useful guidance to family proceedings courts and their clerks on the subject of findings of facts and reasons .
22 A benefit of the course structure is that students can choose topics of special interest in their final year depending on their results in Years I and 2 and their experiences on placement .
23 Both men were later to look back on their partnership with great affection , and their views on organisation ( culled from the trade union and civil service worlds ) coincided remarkably .
24 Therapists should be interviewed and their views on issues important to you in other areas of your life examined .
25 It can also be quite revealing about the individual 's translation strategies and their views on the nature of the translating process .
26 Erm , the proposals there do , in fact , exceed the capital spend on new starts , and it will therefore need pruning erm , and the proposals that we suggested earlier was that , subject to any comments members may have on individual schemes that are here , and their views on them , we would propose looking at the programme in detail , and bringing it within the guideline figures that have been set , erm , and doing that with the advice of P A G before it goes on to Policy Panel and , and Policy and Resources Committee .
27 There was ‘ enough sentiment ’ , he admitted , ‘ enough fire … to lead people to put their lives and their families on the line for the cause ’ , but the cause was a mess ; too many different groups , no means of making political capital out of them , and ‘ guys running around in the hills … illiterate , ignorant campesinos ’ .
28 The UK Home Secretary , Kenneth Baker , announced on Sept. 17 that the case of Judith Ward , sentenced to life imprisonment at Wakefield Crown Court in 1974 for the IRA bombing of a coach carrying soldiers and their families on the M62 motorway in Yorkshire [ see pp. 26873-74 ] , would be referred to the Court of Appeal .
29 In general its powers included giving information , advice , and assistance to adolescents and their parents on choice of employment and related matters ; filtering available young workers into openings on the basis of a detailed knowledge of each applicant and each vacancy ; acting as a centre for enquiries from other youth agencies , such as clubs , Scouts and apprenticeship committees ; and organizing propaganda for the creation of ‘ responsible ’ opinion among parents , juveniles , employers , and the public as to the ‘ evil ’ effects of the disorganized methods of recruitment into the youth labour-market .
30 There these Semites imposed their language , their customs and their institutions on the indigenous Hamitic population , with whom they interbred to produce the ancestors of modern Tigreans and Amhara .
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