Example sentences of "and we [was/were] just " in BNC.

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1 Mick Ronson , Woody Woodmansey and myself would be making backing tracks , having got the brief from David — it was E chord for 16 bars then an A chord for 4 bars and a B chord for 2 bars — and we were just banging out these backing tracks , and David would come into the studio , if we could tear him away from Angela for long enough and say whether he liked it or not .
2 I was talking to this other lad across the road — we were due to go off duty at two and we were just hanging about before making our way down to the station — there was no relief for us on that shift .
3 So someone suddenly said , ‘ There 's a really terrific game going on in the square in Granada , ’ and we were just waiting and then Brynner said , ‘ Of course , I 'm the South American callot champion . ’
4 And we were just gettin' on our feet , three of the lads workin' and himself bringin' it in , at least what 's left after his Friday night dos .
5 Then darkness fell and we were just three faces round a table reflected in a window pane .
6 ‘ When I was staying with your sainted mother in Siena , small hotel in Via dei Cappuccini , and we were just leaving , I handed a postcard to the hall porter to stamp and send to England .
7 This was a big , big city , and we were just two unimportant young men from a small town .
8 Tap , tap , tap , sparks flying everywhere and we were just above it with the cranes , waiting to fill the big ladles .
9 Er you know sh there were she was saying things and we were just sitting er by her watching her , providing the cups of tea .
10 And er I know the housing office always had excuses that they had put the the report in and we were just waiting for someone to do it .
11 No one was placed except the nine of us who were sitting at Robin 's table , and we were just asked quietly when we went in ‘ to go to the table with the birthday cake on it ’ .
12 ‘ And we 've got it with us , and we were just about to show it to Jacqui when you arrived . ’
13 And be about five or six of us left then , and we were just getting ready to get off when we got hit by the second big blast , which caused most of the burns to all of us then .
14 We did n't have the finances to run a proper test programme and we were just falling behind the other teams .
15 I 'd told her not to worry and that he was one of the lads , although I 'd never seen him before , and we were just waiting for her to go before we started the party .
16 ‘ So I thought I 'd strike while the iron was hot so to speak and we were just passing and so here we are . ’
17 Why do you bother paying and we were just mucking about you know , like I know something
18 this last week to friends , i , we , you used to live live on the street and we were just playing you know .
19 We when we got the song first and recorded we we were talking one day and we were just saying it would be an ideal song for Children in Need you know so we decided that we 'd er donate all the proceeds from this track on the video and album and the concert in Stockport , it 's tomorrow night is n't it ?
20 Yeah , and we were just talking about it .
21 you know , cos we were all single I think all of us were and we were just going for a joke cos seriously it 's just a cattle market at you know you do n't talk to people well you do but it 's just a laugh .
22 Well , we 've met the guy who lives up above us , because he jumped out of bed , they 've got french windows like we have , up above there , and he jumped out , and we were just sitting watching the telly or something , we heard these footsteps like going across the ceiling , it 's as though we could see 'em , cos we could sort of hear it and feel it .
23 It is just a matter of how you can build up the Kuwaiti nationality to go along with the growing community in the country and we were just a developing country .
24 I was in a wine bar the other day and it was just before the opening of Stanstead , a few weeks before , and I met a chap in there who worked in the airport and we were just in conversation and he said , asked him what he did , and he said , ‘ I 'm basically on temporary contract preparing for the Queen coming to open the airport . ’
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